Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aliva Max Review, Is Alivamax Worldwide A Dynamic Company?

Does Alivamax Worldwide offer you an opportunity to make a lot of money -- and enjoy newfound youth? First of all, I am not involved with this company in any way, so this Aliva Max review is completely unbiased. What I'm going to give you is some things to think about before you join this business.

Alivamax Worldwide Review

The corporation was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. They offer dynamic youth restoring products for personal consumption. These products target the globe's aging market, which is massive. Their products are currently marketed in the United States and Canada. The company's vision includes expanding globally.

Alivamax Executive Leadership

When looking at a business to sign up in it's important to check out the background of those running the company. The company was founded and is run by Jerry Ricks and Mark J Sain. Together they have over 70 years of experience successfully developing profitable companies.

Alivamax Worldwide Anti-Aging Products

The company markets scientifically proven products that address the desires of the globe's older generation. Their anti-aging miracle serum is intended to promote a more youthful look by getting rid of wrinkles. Next, they sell a dietary product trademarked as their fountain of youth. In addition, they offer Jackie Chan's XGT, a healthy energy green tea drink mix. There is a global demand for these products in the marketplace. There are also a lot of companies competing for a piece of this enormous market.

Alivamax Worldwide Compensation Plan

The compensation is based on a network marketing business model. The plan includes retail sales, first order bonuses, monthly residual income from group volume (using a 3 x 10 forced matrix), matching bonuses, and a company bonus pool. There is no distributor starter kit to purchase. You can become a distributor simply by purchasing their product.

Alivamax Worldwide Training

The company offers traditional network marketing training by means of conference calls and regional meetings. In addition, their website,, offers various documents, videos, promotional aids, 800 number options, 800 number scripts, presentations, newspaper ad secrets, road signs, sizzle cards, business cards, and post cards.

Is Alivamax Worldwide A Good Opportunity For You?

The company is a fairly new company. They offer products aimed at the massive anti-aging market and that are scientifically supported. The key executives have experience in running thriving companies. Will the company be in business long-term? Time will tell.

A major factor to think about when answering this question -- is you. Do the products offered excite you enough to want to promote them? Do you have any experience with network marketing? Do you realize that you have to market this business to succeed? Are you planning to draw on the traditional MLM marketing approach to grow your business? Are you going to leverage the Internet to find leads for your business?

The top producers have studied how to leverage the Internet to explode their business. They use a system that helps them find targeted leads. A system that allows them to produce cash flow, even when people do not join their main MLM oppotunity.

Jim Hageman reveals the exact blueprint top earners use to catapult their business. If you're excited about the Alivamax Worldwide business and want to learn how you can enroll more new distributors, faster, check out what Jim Hageman recommends and get your free training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Aliva Max Review, Alivamax Worldwide - MLM Lead Generation System Jim Hageman Recommends
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ardyss International Review, Is ArdyssLife A Solid Opportunity?

Who wouldn't want to drop 2 to 3 sizes in 10 minutes? What if you truly could and enjoy a vigorous income helping others do the same? In this Ardyss International review I intend to give you a number of key things to consider when looking at this venture. By the way, I am not part of the business in any way, so this review is completely unbiased.

Ardyss International Review

The Diaz de Leon family officially launched the company, in Mexico, in 1991. Now, almost 20 years later, the company's headquarters are in Las Vegas, NV. Miguel Arvaez is the CEO with a strong vision, based on the Power of 5, to help many people achieve their dreams financially. Ardyss has adopted a network marketing model to sell their products, which are offered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Ardyss International Products

Ardyss has positioned itself somewhat uniquely in the explosive health and wellness industry. They bring together body shaping garments with healthy supplements and skin care products to deliver a brand new you. The company currently offers 16 different Body Magic garment styles for women and 2 for men. They allow you to drop sizes immediately while shaping your abdomen, buttocks, and chest area. Additionally, Ardyss sells over 20 nutritional supplements and 6 skin care products.

Body Magic 2 Step System

To achieve maximum results Ardyss introduced their Body Magic 2 Step System. Step one is to use their Body Magic garment that gives you the appearance of weight and sizes reduced. In addition, it is designed to improve posture, overall muscle tone in the abdomen, buttocks and chest area over time. The second step is to drink their Le Vive nutritional juice product. Le Vive is a blend of 5 fruits loaded with antioxidants which helps eliminate toxins, cleanses the body, and promotes higher energy levels.

Ardyss International Business Opportunity

The company's compensation plan is a network marketing plan and is based on a unilevel model. Independent distributors can market the products direct or put together a team of distributors. Various bonuses are available including unilevel, enroller, express, power pack, generation, and rank bonuses. The plan also offers a car bonus as well as sharing in a leadership pool. To become a independent distributor one can join for free by being on autoship, pay for a $30 starter kit, or purchase a $299 power pack.

Is ArdyssLife A Solid Opportunity You Should Join?

Ardyss International seems to be a solid company marketing quality products to a definite market. However, as in many MLM companies, only a small number of the distributors make serious money. Most new distributors get excited about the company, the products, the opportunity to earn a lot of cash, and fail to understand that this is a business that needs to be marketed.

If you're excited about this business, consider how you are going to market this business. Are you planning to stick to the usual network marketing method? Are you planning to call friends, family, and everyone you know? Are you going to have presentations in your home? What are you going to do when you run out of prospects to talk to? Are you planning to learn how to use the Internet to generate targeted prospects for your business?

Jim Hageman coaches people to market their opportunity using the Internet. If ArdyssLife is the opportunity you are passionate about and you want to learn how to effectively produce tons of leads, take a look at what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Friday, March 12, 2010

21Ten Review, Is 21Ten A Real, Solid Business Opportunity And Is It Right For You?

21Ten is a fresh new entry into the explosive health and wellness marketplace. However is it a business you should seriously check out and get excited about? I am writing this 21Ten review to give you some key things to consider before you make your mind up. By the way, I am not a part of the company so this is actually an unbiased 21Ten review.

21Ten Revealed

The company was revealed as a new division of Oxyfresh at a company event held in February, 2010 in Las Vegas. Its main product is a powdered nutritional drink that is touted to promote anti-aging, a boost in natural energy, mood enhancement, and immune system support.

The Management

One of the main things to consider when looking at any opportunity is the quality and experience of its uppermost management. Does the company's management team possess the vision and background necessary to guide its long-term success?

The driving force behind 21Ten is Richard Brooke, CEO, who boasts of the company's 100 year business plan. As noted on the company's website, Richard began in the network marketing industry back in 1977. He co-founded and has been the president of Oxyfresh since 1986, a company that effectively markets nutritional, hygiene, pet and dental products.

Additionally, Mark Yarnell and Michael Clouse are noted as members of the company's advisory board. Mark is a well known author, speaker, trainer and without doubt an MLM success. Michael is known for his compelling stage presence and network marketing experience.

The Product

21Ten markets a unique nutritional powder stick that when combined with water delivers benefits including anti-aging, natural energy, mood enhancement and immune system building. These sticks are a assortment of super fruits, fruits, vitamins, and swift absorption components.

An appealing twist is that packaged with your nutritional order you receive a personal development podcast download card. New content will be added monthly and will include three tracks: Pure Inspiration and Motivation, Latest Health Craze, and the Inside Scoop on their sticks and business. This is certainly an out of the ordinary method of providing training information.

The Market

They enter what is projected to be the next trillion dollar market, the health and wellness marketplace. This is a market that has increasing competition, including quite a few top notch companies, and sees new entries added regularly. So what would make 21Ten standout above the rest?

The Opportunity

The 21Ten compensation is comprised of a unlevel MLM plan. It offers fast start bonuses to assist active new distributors get into profit. Successful distributors can share in a production pool and travel and training pool.

This venture is in prelaunch, at this time, and is promoting a soft launch event in Las Vegas in May. Becoming a distributor is at no cost through June 1st, 2010. Past that date it will cost you $50 to join.

To summarize, 21Ten comes into a growing, yet highly competitive, industry serving people throughout the world who are aging and health conscious. They are owned by Oxyfresh, a proven business who has been around for over 25 years. They offer a nutritional beverage and stable management with a long-term vision in place.

Now the most important thing to do is ask yourself these questions. Is this an opportunity you can be excited about? Do you know how you are going to find prospects for this venture? Are you ready to learn what you must do to succeed?

If 21Ten is the opportunity that excites you and you truly want to know how the top distributors make all that cash, check out what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Building Backlinks, How To Attract Massive Traffic To Your Blog For Free

Building backlinks for free can put your site on the first page of Google. That translates into a huge increase in traffic to your blog or website. What I plan to share with you is an simple to use, free service designed to create various one way backlinks to you site.

While I was looking at the stats of an article that I posted, to one of the top article directories, I decided to click on a link that caught my interest. Here, I discovered a service designed to help you start building backlinks to your site for free. You can get up to 120 one way links going back to your site or blog for each article you write, for free. Here's how it works...

Building Backlinks For Free

Numerous blog owners are looking for a way to have high quality content posted to their blog on a regular basis. This helps them satisfy their visitors with brand new content and helps them keep their search engine ranking. So they will allow this service to post your articles with links back to your site in them.

The articles you submit must contain a minimum of 450 words. You can include two links going back to any site, blog, article, lens, or hub page you wish. You get to pick the blogs and the categories you want your information submitted to. For free, you can choose up to 30 blogs where your information will appear.

Every post made to every blog will also contain a tag page where your content will appear. A tag is a certain keyword or keyword phrase you would like your articles to be linked with. When you add these up, 2 links for each article posted to 30 blogs (60 links) with the addition of a tag page posting (60 added links) gives you up to 120 links directly back to anywhere you desire. All this for free, it's awesome!

Google and other search engines will see these links related to your site and rank your site more favorably. Something you want to be aware of is that you want your article to appear as being unique, ideally on each blog it's posted to. This free service has the capability of posting articles that you spin. What spinning does is allow you to use synonyms for words in your content so your content appears as being unique to the search engine robots. A video tutorial is provided to show you how this is done.

Personally, I am using this service to add to how I'm building backlinks to my blog. Article marketing is one of my MLM lead generation strategies. In this strategy, you write an article for a particular keyword targeted market, spin it, and submit it to about 200 article directories. I use Automatic Article Submitter to spin and auto submit all my content. Now all I do is take the spun version of my content, do a bit of spin reformatting and submit them to this free service for posting to the blogs I select. It's that easy.

One more thing you'll enjoy about this service is that they submit your content to two or three blogs per day. This is important, as it is building backlinks to your chosen location as they would occur naturally. This procedure is definitely more promising for search engine ranking. Your site traffic will go up as your links increase in ranking. If you learn to use this service effectively and pick good keywords, you may possibly get your site on the first page of Google and that means massive amounts of traffic. Learn to convert that traffic into leads and sales and who knows, you could be the next online success story.

Building backlinks to your site for free is something you definitely want to look at. If you would like to find out how you can start using this system to get massive traffic to your site, access this free ebook Building Backlinks at right now. No Opt-in Required.