Saturday, February 26, 2011

Goal Setting And Planning, Jim Hageman

Goal Setting And Planning is what people tell me they do. But do they do it in a way that motivates them to achieve?

Hi, I'm Jim Hageman and I want to give you an uncomplicated goal setting and planning approach that works. It will help you attain whatever you truly want to accomplish in your life.

Goal Setting And Planning - A Simple Strategy

Your Vision

This is your first step to developing a lasting, viable plan of action. Make time to think about everything that you believe in and everything you want your life to be about. Consider what influence you would like your life to have on your family, your friends, your country, and the world you live in.

Put your thoughts on paper or use your computer. List anything that has significance to you. Now write it down or type it in one or more paragraphs. Invest your time and define this clearly.

Your Strengths

Write down all of Your Strengths. Then, list any areas you feel weak in.

Now this is important - throw away the list of weak areas and focus only on Your Strengths.

Once you have Your Personal Vision and Your Strengths crystal clear it becomes easy to...

Determine Your Goals, Your Outcomes, Your Desired Results

Reread Your Personal Vision and Your Strengths a few times and then start to dream a little bit. Focus on what your life would be like if you had a limitless amount of money, resources, and time.

Make a list of anything you want to have, do, and achieve. List the places want to visit, people you desire to meet, anything you want to learn, and experiences you desire to enjoy.

Now, select a single desire that you believe you can achieve quickly and easily. Write it down in detail. This will help you appreciate the power of this easy to use approach.

Your Why

Once you know what you would like to achieve, think about Your Why. Focus on what it will mean to you once you achieve this specific outcome. See yourself having attained it. Now, right below your goal, list all that accomplishing this goal will mean to you. This is your motivation for taking action.

Your Massive Plan Of Action

You have what you would like clearly defined and you know why you want it. Now ask yourself, "What are the actions that I must take in order to achieve this result?" List them out.

Goal Setting And Planning helps you understand plainly what you have to do. The key to achieving results is taking action. Focus on what you have listed and determine what you can do immediately. Taking consistent action is the slight edge that gets results. Once you get going momentum comes into play. You will accomplish your desired goal and enjoy Your Why.

Put this easy goal setting and planning strategy into action for every outcome you have on your list. Schedule a time each week to apply this approach and take action daily.

As time passes, you will be amazed at how much your life is improving.

Written Goal Setting And Planning is powerful. Visit for more tools to help you live a better life.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Social Media Science Review, How To Get Listed On Google Page One

Social Media Science (Synnd)? What is it? How can it help you get a massive increase in visitors to your website?

This Social Media Science review will tell you what Synnd does and how it works its magic.

Social Media Science Review

Synnd is a content syndication network. A content syndication network is made up of people who have a common interest in both reading and sharing usefulness content with numerous people.

Synnd is a network of over 800 marketers, and growing, focused on helping your valuable content get viral exposure via social media. Hmmm, what's in it for them?

The greatest feature of Synnd is that all the content syndication work is done via automation. Members share your content because, after doing this, their valuable content gets promoted by the membership. And remember, the process is entirely automated.

Can you envision having your valuable information voted on, shared, rated, tweeted, and bookmarked by several different members? Do you think Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other search engines will rank you content higher than your competitors? You know they will!

Social Media Science offered a 14 day tryout of their system and I went for it. I tested them using a keyword phrase fixed to content that had around 371,000 websites competing for a first page position.

Adding Synnd to my strategy, my content ranked on the first page of Google within a couple days. And my site was in the 3rd position, on the 1st page, within seven days. I actually was in a higher spot than Jonathan Budd's site for the identical keyword phrase.

Can you imagine what that did to my site traffic? Wow, that was fun!

Social Media Science Founders

Synnd was formed by Charles Heflin and Thomas Rozof. These two have several other successful Internet based companies. They both have more than ten years of Internet marketing experience. Google them to find more detail. You will be pleased with what you see.

Why would it be a good idea to use Social Media Science - the Content Syndication Network?

Social Media Science Advantage Review

1. Synnd is an Internet marketing method that frees your time allowing you to work on increasing profits from you business.

2. You could attempt to organize your personal content syndication network, but you would need to maintain more than 18,000 social media accounts, rotate your IP address across over 800 unique IP addresses from around the globe and work non-stop for over 466 hours every time you desire to achieve the same effect that Synnd does for you in just a FEW MINUTES with only a few mouse button clicks.

3. Having your site listed on Google's first page for your specific keywords equals a huge increase in targeted traffic. How would you feel if you were able to also get the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position on the first page? For virtually any keywords you want?

From my own experience, I can share with you that it's a lot of profitable fun!

4. There are many more advantages. These 1st three should be more than enough to get you thinking.

In summary, Synnd is authentic, it really works, and it is an effective way to create huge amounts of traffic to your website. Don't trust what I say, test it out for yourself.

I recommend Synnd to anyone who wants to use cutting edge technology to create massive traffic. If this Social Media Science review peaked your interest, go ahead and find out more about Synnd click here now.

Your Internet Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Jim Hageman
P.S.: Make sure you fill in the form on the top, right side of this page. You'll get access to My FREE Training Center.
P.S.S.: Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun and make a ton of money. Visit Play Winning Poker Now - Learn - Play - Earn (click here now)!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Poker Training Network Review, How To Create Massive Texas Holdem Poker Income

Poker Training Network Review, PTN Review 

Can you combine playing winning poker and network marketing to create a wealthier lifestyle?

Can you blend playing winning Texas Hold 'Em Poker and MLM to produce a richer life?

This Poker Training Network review is intended to help you to decide for yourself. In fact, it will offer you insight into how you can create substantial income through the worldwide growth of poker.

Before we move on, I have to admit that when I started writing this evaluation, I had no interest in joining this business. As I was doing my thorough research, for this PTN review, I became very interested. Actually, I made the decision to join them. Continue reading to know why.

Poker Training Network Review

Poker Training Network (PTN) entered into prelaunch near the beginning of September, 2009. They entered the market as the first company to mix MLM with the enormous global interest in poker.

More than two years and millions of dollars have been invested in research and development on the most state of the art, dynamic, elearning, poker training website ever launched. It is full of 3D animation, 3D graphics, and it is completely about poker. It's a lot of fun.

Poker Training Network Leadership Team

PTN has an extremely experienced management team with more than 150 years combined background in multilevel marketing, Internet marketing, website development, social networking, software development, educational training, video production operations, and professional Texas Hold 'Em Poker playing.

Poker Training Network Market

The Texas Hold 'Em Poker market is enormous! There are approximately 70 million players in the United States and over 300 million globally. The marketplace is growing to more than 500 million rapidly.

If you play Texas Hold 'Em Poker you probably know other poker players, who know other poker players.

If you do not play Texas Hold 'Em Poker, you probably know somebody who does play and who knows other Texas Hold 'Em Poker players, who know other Texas Hold 'Em Poker players.

Poker Training Network Products

Poker Training Network has an all-inclusive Internet based training product for everyone. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, PTN can help you develop the skill of Texas Hold 'Em Poker.

Poker-TEL gives you access to first class training and education. Poker-TEL delivers 100s of Texas Hold 'Em Poker lessons with a lot more coming. PTN uses state of the art technology and a modern approach to learning.

PTN Poker Edge
Poker Edge is like your private poker coach. You have access to a set of software tools that will coach you to assess your skill levels and steer you to improving your game.

Poker Training Network Opportunity

The PTN pay plan is one of the richest in the MLM business. It has a binary hybrid plan that pays out money five different ways. It includes Retail Sales, Team Commissions, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, Advertising and Revenue Sharing Pools, plus a Luxury Car Program.

The economy has numerous capable people trying to find a way to increase or replace their salary. And poker is a sport that a lot of people love to play. PTN has a full-blown online system to create a huge national organization in the United States and soon to be international.

Is The Poker Training Network Opportunity Right For You?

Is PTN an opportunity where you can have a lot of fun and live a wealthier lifestyle? Can you help others enjoy the sport of Texas Hold 'Em Poker while you get wealthier?

Poker Training Network has a Facebook Texas Hold 'Em Poker Application that is in beta testing as I am writing this PTN review. That is huge. It is a simple way to recruit people. Just give them an invitation to play and if they join, you get the commission.

PTN has a proprietary Internet based social networking Texas Hold 'Em Poker site named It is the ultimate Internet based prospecting tool and lead generation system.

PTN has a complete online recruiting system with remarkable videos that promote PTN services and the business for you. PTN give you an Internet based prospecting and contact management system as well.

There is no competition, no products to stock or ship. Everything is Internet based. This can be a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. PTN is a remarkable business to be in.

You get to play something that is a lot of fun. You get to share PTN with others and you get to make money from that.

These are the reasons why I enrolled in this company and you ought to as well.

Jim Hageman coaches numerous people to become top producers in various multilevel marketing business opportunities. I hope you liked this Poker Training Network review. If you want to find out how you can work directly with Jim Hageman and see a more in depth Poker Training Network review, click here now.

Your MLM Success Coach and Mentor,
Work with Jim Hageman Directly, Poker Training Network Review
P.S. Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Fill Out The Form (top right), Right Now, to Get Your Free Marketing Training.

P.S.S. Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun, make a ton of money, and work with Jim Hageman directly...
Work With Jim Hageman - Learn - Play - Earn (click here now)!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Amega Global Review, Can You Actually Wave Your Amega Global Magical Wand And Become Financially Free?

Amega Global reveals its magic wand! Can you actually wave your magical Amega Global wand and live an improved, richer lifestyle?

This Amega Global review will offer you vital information to assist you in making your own decision. And you can be confident that this article is unbiased, seeing that I am not a part of Amega Global.

Amega Global Review

The business was established in February, 2006 to manufacture and promote wellness products. They function by way of network marketing reps, placed all over the world. The company currently has offices in 17 countries and is planning to get bigger. Their mission is to supply health, wealth, and happiness.

The Amega Global Executive Team

One of the main areas to focus on when you evaluate enrolling in an opportunity is its leadership team. Do they possess the experience and personal history to manage the business successfully? Are they capable of building the business to be around for several years to come?

The key management team:

Eric Banks, the President, has a substantial background in worldwide finance and wealth management.

CEO, Arun Kemer, has a substantial background in training and inspiring individuals to achieve their full potential.

VP of Business Development, Calvenn Starre, brings his multilevel marketing experience to the business. He is well known as a top recruiter for a profitable healthy juice opportunity.

Rick Fleshman, VP of Operations and Marketing, brings more than 20 years of lucrative network marketing experience to the business.

They unquestionably have a strong leadership team running the show. You can review more details by going to

The Amega Global Product Line

They manufacture and sell products delivering personal, nutritional, environmental, and financial wellness. This consists of energy powders, massage oils, facial creams, water filtration, and zero point energy products.

One of their revolutionary wellness products is the Amega Wand. It is designed based on zero point energy. The Amega zero point energy wand uses magnetic energy to restore your body to its appropriate balance. You have the benefit of less pain, along with increased energy and well being.

The Amega Global Opportunity

Amega Global provides a multilevel marketing opportunity. The compensation plan is centered on a binary structure and includes a number of ways that distributors can make money.

You can sell their product retail or sell to preferred customers. You can build a team and generate cash from fast start bonuses, mega matching bonuses, team binary commissions, team generation bonuses, leadership pools, and a builders pool.

Representatives can join the company for as low as $49, but it would be wise to get and use their products. This is an opportunity where you need to understand and experience the results personally.

Is Amega Global The Best Business For You?

Amega Global established itself as a solid business producing top notch products. Their products are relatively unique in the explosive health and wellness industry. My friend and professional in this arena, Duncan Crow, speaks highly of this business and its wellness products.

The management team has the qualifications and network marketing know-how to continue developing this company. Statistically companies that have been in business over 3 years tend to continue in business more than 70% of the time.

How about you? Do you have any MLM knowledge or is this brand new to you? Bear in mind this is a business that requires effective marketing to be successful. Are you willing to discover how?

How You Can Become A Top Earner

It is interesting to look at what the emerging top producers in Amega Global and many other companies are using. They figured out how to mix traditional multilevel marketing methods with online marketing approaches. The result is an endless flow of targeted, free prospects for their opportunity.

Jim Hageman teaches people how to become top money makers, If this Amega Global review inspired you to get into network marketing, see what Jim Hageman recommends. Get immediate access to your FREE marketing training.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
LYF Review, LYF Network
P.S. Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article.

P.S.S. Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun making money ==> Play Winning Poker Now (click here now).

Friday, May 7, 2010

MLM Success, How To Overcome The Major Obstacles To Your MLM Success

MLM success is the result so many reps want to enjoy, yet 95% never achieve. How come? This article shows you the facts about the MLM business and how you can position yourself for MLM success.

MLM Success -- The Biggest Problems

Okay, you found a first class opportunity that offers first class products and has an excellent compensation plan. So why are most people struggling or quitting?

Chief 3 Reasons Why Reps Do Not Achieve MLM Success:

Reason 1. Hardly Any Cash Flow

Most people that get involved in network marketing are excited about the company that they just joined and want to make money fast. MLM is not a get rich fast scheme.

It involves time and constant effort to make an income that builds over time. When they become aware of this truth, around 70% drop out, while another 25% struggle and fold.

Reason 2. Too Few Potential Prospects

The traditional strategy is to write out your list of people you know, family, and friends. Then, you contact people on your list to present your exciting new opportunity to them. You meet with them personally or invite them to your residence for a get together.

Some distributors get good results with this method. Most people get frustrated. They hound every person they see only to give up after they face enough rejection.

Reason 3. Ineffective Network Marketing Sales and Marketing Training

Multilevel marketing is a cost effective way to get into your own business, which makes it very attractive. However, it is a business that requires sales and marketing.

Most MLM businesses offer training on the traditional approaches. And, as we already mentioned, the majority of reps fail to make enough money rapidly enough, can't handle the rejection, and end up dropping out.

How Can You Attain MLM Success?

Now, let's talk about a few of the activities that top producers, who are involved in multilevel marketing today, are doing to achieve massive MLM success. We will get into more later.

1. Top earners invest time and money to learn how to market their company leveraging the Internet. They figured out that the Internet gives them a way to reach millions of people inexpensively or for free.

2. Top producers recognize that for them to be a MLM success, they have to have a continuous flow of new potential prospects. They use a system to target potential prospects that are currently involved in the network marketing industry and their style of business.

3. Top earners realize that it requires time and consistent effort to bring in big money and attain the residual income possibilities of multilevel marketing. They figured out how to make cash through other income producing avenues that they designed into their online lead generation system. Top money makers learned how to create cash flow while they are developing their business.

4. Top earners do not pursue people. Their marketing methods attract interested prospects to their company. They use a system to develop a relationship with those people and a lot of it is done effortlessly.

5. Top earners instruct new recruits how to use their systematic method of marketing. They help new distributors discover how they can generate money quickly as they are developing their multilevel marketing opportunity. This is vital to retain good distributors.

To achieve MLM Success, it would be productive for you to learn and do what the top money makers are doing.

Jim Hageman teaches people the systematic approach that top producers use to produce massive MLM success. If you want to know how you can become a top earner, look at what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE marketing training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
MLM Success, Jim Hageman Recommends
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. If you want to know how you can become a top earner, look at what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE marketing training right now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

LYF Review, Does The LYF Network Offer You A Lifestyle Of Luxury And Well Being?

Can LYF offer you a life filled with luxury and well being? And do they have what it takes to stay in business and give you your new lifestyle long-term?

This LYF review is intended to give you some information to consider before you make a decision to enroll in this company. I do not represent this company, so this evaluation is entirely unbiased.

LYF Review

LYF is a new network marketing company focused on 4 quickly emerging market segments:

1. Health and Wellness,
2. Personal Care,
3. Home Care, and
4. Technology.

LYF officially began its pre-launch stage on April 29, 2010 in Santa Monica, CA. The company projects its official launch to be in September, 2010.

The Company's Management

Michael S. Han is the founder and driving force leading LYF. Prior to starting this opportunity, Mr. Han founded Envion in January 2002. Mr. Han has a number of years of experience and considerable investments in many industries, including renewable energy, telecommunications, Internet, and direct marketing.

Antony Ho, Co-Founder of the company, has been a senior executive with several Fortune 500 companies.

The company's website,, can provide you with a more detailed view of the complete executive group. From what I looked at, this business is staffed with key executives positioned for worldwide expansion.

Their Products - Here is a quick review of their four product segments:

1. Health and Wellness

LYFSOURCE A2 IRB -- provides the superior antioxidant properties of the acai berry in a tasty soft chew that you can take as a nutritional supplement daily.

LYFSOURCE Q2 EFE -- has Quercetin, Vitamin B3, Folic Acid, and Vitamin C blended to deliver more energy, endurance, and mental focus.

2. Personal Care

A variety of skin care and facial care products blended to cleanse and rejuvenate. This category also provides a sugar-free pomegranate and white tea that boosts your skin’s natural glow.

3. Home Care

A group of natural products designed to clean, refresh, and disinfect.

4. Technology

LYF Network offers Internet, wireless, unified messaging, and phone services.

Business Opportunity

The compensation plan provides 7 avenues an associate can earn money. It is based on a MLM unilevel version paid up to 9 levels. The plan includes sales to retail customers, fastrak income, bonus pools, and rank advancement.

Coaching and Training

The company offers training and individual coaching to help each one of their associates succeed. They focus on training the traditional warm market, multilevel marketing method.

Does LYF Offer The Right Opportunity For You?

The company looks to be positioned well to penetrate its targeted market segments. It has a strong, veteran leadership group and is well funded. On the other hand, it is a new company and just a small number of new network marketing companies continue to exist past their 1st year.

When considering this opportunity or any other network marketing, the key factor in your success is you. Are these products and this opportunity something you would like to use personally? And talk about with your family and friends?

What are do you plan to do when you out of people you know to share your shiny new business with? This is what many people who get into network marketing fail to understand and plan for.

Top producers getting into the MLM industry today have figured out how to create a constant flow of laser targeted prospects for their company. They know that without prospects they soon will be out of business.

Top producers learn to leverage the Internet to grow their team worldwide. They figured out a way to blend the traditional MLM, warm market strategy, with online marketing approaches. They have found out how to brand themselves as leaders and attract others to become a member of their team.

They provide team members value beyond what the company training can teach them. They solved the major problem new multilevel marketers face: lack of immediate income. They help their team members generate cash rapidly.

Jim Hageman teaches people how to become top money makers. If this LYF review inspired you to learn how you can become a top money maker, see what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
LYF Review, LYF Network
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Check out what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Xango Review, Does Xango Still Offer A Good Business To Get Into?

Can Xango still offer you a profitable business opportunity? More and more new companies are entering the fast growing health and wellness arena. The information presented was written to help you make your own decision. Since I do not represent this business, this Xango review is totally unbiased.

Xango Review

Xango Mangosteen Juice, the first case shipped in November, 2002, was the company's beginning in the health and wellness marketplace. The company now offers numerous products and operates in more than 30 different countries all through its multilevel marketing business organization.

Xango has been in business since September, 2002. This is noteworthy seeing as less than 10% of new network marketing businesses exist past their first year. Statistically, the rate of survival for companies that have been in business for over three years jumps to over 70%.

Xango Leadership Team

Xango was created by six men who wanted to make a difference in the wellbeing, along with the financial and social aspects of a person's life. The executive team, running the business, has numerous years of experience in the multilevel marketing industry. This is a definite plus for the company's continued success. The company's website,, will give you a more detailed look at this bunch.

Xango Mangosteen Fruit Healthy Products

The company's products are produced with the mangosteen fruit, which is usually grown in Southeast Asia. The mangosteen fruit is roughly the size of a tangerine and is full of tons of biologically active xanthones. Xanthones have many antioxidant properties and promote a healthier body.

Product Categories:

1. Nutritional products including Xango Mangosteen Juice, 3SIXTY5, Eleviv, and Meal Packs,
2. Glimpse Skin Care,
3. Mangosteen Pericaro Oil, and
4. Juni shampoo, conditioner, and body cleansing products.

Business Opportunity

The company's money making opportunity is based on a MLM business model paying 50% of commissionable sales. Distributors can profit through:

1. Selling the products retail,
2. Power Start Weekly,
3. Unilevel Monthly, up to 9 levels, and
4. Global and 500K quarterly bonuses.

Company Training

The company provides training on traditional MLM sales and marketing methods. Their XGoPro Training System provides weekly training CDs. Representatives have an Internet office and a replicated corporate site. The company has several sales tools to choose from. There is a $35 enrollment fee to start as a distributor.

Is The Xango Business Opportunity Right For You?

The company is a successful business with a multilevel marketing seasoned leadership team. The products are of high quality and deliver results.

The important element in your success is you. Is this opportunity and its products something you can get excited about?

If you can, is this the product line and business that you would like to speak to your friends and family about? What are you going to do when you run out of potential prospects to call? Are you going to buy leads? Do you intent to advertise? How do you plan to market?

Top earners have figured out how to mix traditional multilevel marketing methods with Internet marketing. They realize that having a ton of prospects wanting to know more about their opportunity is critical to success.

Top earners have a way to train new members that join their team. They teach new reps how to get off to a profitable start. Their new team members learn how to build their business using both the traditional strategies and the Internet.

Jim Hageman trains regular people how to become top earners. If this Xango review got you to look at Xango or the MLM industry, see what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get your FREE training now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Xango Review, Xango
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Check out Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get your FREE training now.