Sunday, June 6, 2010

Social Media Science Review, How To Get Listed On Google Page One

Social Media Science (Synnd)? What is it? How can it help you get a massive increase in visitors to your website?

This Social Media Science review will tell you what Synnd does and how it works its magic.

Social Media Science Review

Synnd is a content syndication network. A content syndication network is made up of people who have a common interest in both reading and sharing usefulness content with numerous people.

Synnd is a network of over 800 marketers, and growing, focused on helping your valuable content get viral exposure via social media. Hmmm, what's in it for them?

The greatest feature of Synnd is that all the content syndication work is done via automation. Members share your content because, after doing this, their valuable content gets promoted by the membership. And remember, the process is entirely automated.

Can you envision having your valuable information voted on, shared, rated, tweeted, and bookmarked by several different members? Do you think Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other search engines will rank you content higher than your competitors? You know they will!

Social Media Science offered a 14 day tryout of their system and I went for it. I tested them using a keyword phrase fixed to content that had around 371,000 websites competing for a first page position.

Adding Synnd to my strategy, my content ranked on the first page of Google within a couple days. And my site was in the 3rd position, on the 1st page, within seven days. I actually was in a higher spot than Jonathan Budd's site for the identical keyword phrase.

Can you imagine what that did to my site traffic? Wow, that was fun!

Social Media Science Founders

Synnd was formed by Charles Heflin and Thomas Rozof. These two have several other successful Internet based companies. They both have more than ten years of Internet marketing experience. Google them to find more detail. You will be pleased with what you see.

Why would it be a good idea to use Social Media Science - the Content Syndication Network?

Social Media Science Advantage Review

1. Synnd is an Internet marketing method that frees your time allowing you to work on increasing profits from you business.

2. You could attempt to organize your personal content syndication network, but you would need to maintain more than 18,000 social media accounts, rotate your IP address across over 800 unique IP addresses from around the globe and work non-stop for over 466 hours every time you desire to achieve the same effect that Synnd does for you in just a FEW MINUTES with only a few mouse button clicks.

3. Having your site listed on Google's first page for your specific keywords equals a huge increase in targeted traffic. How would you feel if you were able to also get the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position on the first page? For virtually any keywords you want?

From my own experience, I can share with you that it's a lot of profitable fun!

4. There are many more advantages. These 1st three should be more than enough to get you thinking.

In summary, Synnd is authentic, it really works, and it is an effective way to create huge amounts of traffic to your website. Don't trust what I say, test it out for yourself.

I recommend Synnd to anyone who wants to use cutting edge technology to create massive traffic. If this Social Media Science review peaked your interest, go ahead and find out more about Synnd click here now.

Your Internet Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Jim Hageman
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