Friday, January 29, 2010

MLM Lead Generation, How To Generate MLM Leads And Recruit More Distributors Faster

MLM lead generation, using the Internet, is the most effective approach to build your MLM or network marketing business rapidly. In fact, top producers are producing over 50 MLM leads daily and sponsoring 10 or more new reps every week. They also have a way to create cash flow from those leads who are not interested in joining their primary business.

So, how do they do it? More importantly, how can you understand and use what they are doing, then take your business to the next level? It's not that complex. It's really not complex when you have someone who can show you exactly what to do and how to do it.

Here are the 5 essential elements of a profitable MLM lead generation system:

First, you have to have your own personalized website and capture page. This is not the replicated website given to you by your MLM or network marketing company. This is a website that markets you -- not your main business opportunity.

It's where you can post your photos, your videos, your background, so you can position yourself online. Here you can begin to build a relationship with the prospects you are bringing to your website. Remember, people do business with people they get to know and have a relationship with.

Now, you might be thinking that you have no concept of how to setup your own personalized website. Again, let me assure you, this is not that complex. In fact, every component I reveal to you is easy to put in place as soon as you have someone to explain to you exactly what to do and how to do it.

Second, you must learn how to create your own prospect list. This is not a list of the 200 friends and family you are acquainted with that you put on a sheet of paper. This is a list of prospects that you attract using the Internet.

You build your list using a capture page with a form at the bottom or on the side. It's the place where you can enter your name and your email address. You send people to your capture page and generate MLM leads with their contact data.

Using a powerful MLM lead generation system, you can literally generate 100s, even 1000s of high quality MLM leads and automatically follow-up with them. Can you envision what could happen in your business if you were able to keep in touch and form relationships with 1000s of people, worldwide, on autopilot, even while you sleep?

Third, you must have an effective sales funnel. A way to automatically market additional valuable tools, resources, and training materials that can help your prospects reach their goals. You see, approximately 95% of the people who you expose your business to will not be interested. This is okay, because a lot of of them will purchase those valuable products from you, and again, on autopilot.

Fourth, you have to have a training method. A way to help you stay current with the latest and most effective MLM lead generation strategies. A systematic way to coach your new reps so they can quickly setup and use their own MLM lead generation system. They will earn cash rapidly and your retention rate will skyrocket.

Fifth, you need to have an automated and simple way of getting your primary opportunity in front of these prospects. Now is the time. You've generated numerous leads, built a relationship with them, and showed them your training method. You've exposed them to your MLM lead generation system and showed them how they can quickly make money using it.

This is where "The Law of Attraction" takes over. Your prospects will contact you asking you how they can join your team. How they can become a part of your primary MLM or network marketing business. Now you're really beginning to have fun. You're helping a lot of people and making a bunch of money. Life is fantastic!

MLM lead generation online is the way top producers consistently generate 50+ leads daily, for free, and sponsor 10+ reps each week. If you’re wanting to learn how you can create a powerful MLM lead generation system for your business visit our website

MLM Success, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders in MLM

Developing your leadership capabilities is key to your MLM success. Highly Effective Leaders consistently attract distributors to their business, they do not chase them. Highly Effective Leaders:

1. Develop and Use Their Potential

Highly Effective Leaders consistently focus on developing and using more of their potential. They utilize their time learning everything they can to become better communicators, to control their emotions, to understand people, and to master their business.

2. Believe Now

Highly Effective Leaders create a strong belief in themselves, their capabilities and their opportunity to shine in their chosen endeavor. They see themselves clearly achieving the degree of MLM success they desire, before they begin, through use of visualization. Their image becomes so real to them, they can feel it, see it, hear it, smell it, and taste their success.

3. Set Goals

Highly Effective Leaders set long-term and short-term goals. They have the foresight to set 5 year goals, 10 year goals, 20 year goals, as well as goals for this year, this month, this week, and today. They focus on the results they want, not the things they must do, and they live their lives accordingly.

4. Define Their Why

Highly Effective Leaders think deeply to clearly define their Why. They ask themselves, “Why do I truly want to accomplish a specific goal or result? Why is it really valuable to me?” Highly Effective Leaders visualize what the benefits of their MLM success will mean to their organization, their children, and their lives. Knowing their Why gives them the drive to keep going when they run into obstacles. It keeps them going even when their results are outstanding. It helps them to work smart, allowing them to share time with family and friends, enjoying their success.

5. Develop a Plan and Take Action

Highly Effective Leaders outline the actions they must take to attain the MLM success they want. They study successful individuals and apply what they see that works. Highly Effective Leaders measure their results and adjust their action plan until they have a system that produces exactly the MLM scuccess the want. They multiply their time by employing the talents of others to help them. They consistently take action and consistently attain success.

6. Leverage Success

Highly Effective Leaders build upon their results. Every small success they attain adds to their belief in themselves, their capabilities, and their company. Their deepened belief engages more of their potential and motivates them to expand their goals. Their personal motivation causes them to take massive action which produces massive results.

7. Attract, Build and Train Their Team

Highly Effective Leaders are selective in whom they pick to work with. They attract potential distributors who desire to know them, desire to learn from them and desire to join their team. Highly Effective Leaders do not chase people, they interview them. They seek to understand and decide whether the prospect is a good fit for their MLM or network marketing team.

Highly Effective Leaders invest the time to build a relationship with their team. They teach them numerous marketing options suited for the individual, whether it be an online approach, an traditional offline approach, or a combination of both. Highly Effective Leaders are in the business of developing people, building leaders, and duplicating their MLM success.

If you truly desire to be the next MLM success and become a Highly Effective Leader, with potential distributors chasing you, wanting to join your MLM or network marketing team, vist our website