Wednesday, May 5, 2010

LYF Review, Does The LYF Network Offer You A Lifestyle Of Luxury And Well Being?

Can LYF offer you a life filled with luxury and well being? And do they have what it takes to stay in business and give you your new lifestyle long-term?

This LYF review is intended to give you some information to consider before you make a decision to enroll in this company. I do not represent this company, so this evaluation is entirely unbiased.

LYF Review

LYF is a new network marketing company focused on 4 quickly emerging market segments:

1. Health and Wellness,
2. Personal Care,
3. Home Care, and
4. Technology.

LYF officially began its pre-launch stage on April 29, 2010 in Santa Monica, CA. The company projects its official launch to be in September, 2010.

The Company's Management

Michael S. Han is the founder and driving force leading LYF. Prior to starting this opportunity, Mr. Han founded Envion in January 2002. Mr. Han has a number of years of experience and considerable investments in many industries, including renewable energy, telecommunications, Internet, and direct marketing.

Antony Ho, Co-Founder of the company, has been a senior executive with several Fortune 500 companies.

The company's website,, can provide you with a more detailed view of the complete executive group. From what I looked at, this business is staffed with key executives positioned for worldwide expansion.

Their Products - Here is a quick review of their four product segments:

1. Health and Wellness

LYFSOURCE A2 IRB -- provides the superior antioxidant properties of the acai berry in a tasty soft chew that you can take as a nutritional supplement daily.

LYFSOURCE Q2 EFE -- has Quercetin, Vitamin B3, Folic Acid, and Vitamin C blended to deliver more energy, endurance, and mental focus.

2. Personal Care

A variety of skin care and facial care products blended to cleanse and rejuvenate. This category also provides a sugar-free pomegranate and white tea that boosts your skin’s natural glow.

3. Home Care

A group of natural products designed to clean, refresh, and disinfect.

4. Technology

LYF Network offers Internet, wireless, unified messaging, and phone services.

Business Opportunity

The compensation plan provides 7 avenues an associate can earn money. It is based on a MLM unilevel version paid up to 9 levels. The plan includes sales to retail customers, fastrak income, bonus pools, and rank advancement.

Coaching and Training

The company offers training and individual coaching to help each one of their associates succeed. They focus on training the traditional warm market, multilevel marketing method.

Does LYF Offer The Right Opportunity For You?

The company looks to be positioned well to penetrate its targeted market segments. It has a strong, veteran leadership group and is well funded. On the other hand, it is a new company and just a small number of new network marketing companies continue to exist past their 1st year.

When considering this opportunity or any other network marketing, the key factor in your success is you. Are these products and this opportunity something you would like to use personally? And talk about with your family and friends?

What are do you plan to do when you out of people you know to share your shiny new business with? This is what many people who get into network marketing fail to understand and plan for.

Top producers getting into the MLM industry today have figured out how to create a constant flow of laser targeted prospects for their company. They know that without prospects they soon will be out of business.

Top producers learn to leverage the Internet to grow their team worldwide. They figured out a way to blend the traditional MLM, warm market strategy, with online marketing approaches. They have found out how to brand themselves as leaders and attract others to become a member of their team.

They provide team members value beyond what the company training can teach them. They solved the major problem new multilevel marketers face: lack of immediate income. They help their team members generate cash rapidly.

Jim Hageman teaches people how to become top money makers. If this LYF review inspired you to learn how you can become a top money maker, see what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
LYF Review, LYF Network
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Check out what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

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