Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Amega Global Review, Can You Actually Wave Your Amega Global Magical Wand And Become Financially Free?

Amega Global reveals its magic wand! Can you actually wave your magical Amega Global wand and live an improved, richer lifestyle?

This Amega Global review will offer you vital information to assist you in making your own decision. And you can be confident that this article is unbiased, seeing that I am not a part of Amega Global.

Amega Global Review

The business was established in February, 2006 to manufacture and promote wellness products. They function by way of network marketing reps, placed all over the world. The company currently has offices in 17 countries and is planning to get bigger. Their mission is to supply health, wealth, and happiness.

The Amega Global Executive Team

One of the main areas to focus on when you evaluate enrolling in an opportunity is its leadership team. Do they possess the experience and personal history to manage the business successfully? Are they capable of building the business to be around for several years to come?

The key management team:

Eric Banks, the President, has a substantial background in worldwide finance and wealth management.

CEO, Arun Kemer, has a substantial background in training and inspiring individuals to achieve their full potential.

VP of Business Development, Calvenn Starre, brings his multilevel marketing experience to the business. He is well known as a top recruiter for a profitable healthy juice opportunity.

Rick Fleshman, VP of Operations and Marketing, brings more than 20 years of lucrative network marketing experience to the business.

They unquestionably have a strong leadership team running the show. You can review more details by going to

The Amega Global Product Line

They manufacture and sell products delivering personal, nutritional, environmental, and financial wellness. This consists of energy powders, massage oils, facial creams, water filtration, and zero point energy products.

One of their revolutionary wellness products is the Amega Wand. It is designed based on zero point energy. The Amega zero point energy wand uses magnetic energy to restore your body to its appropriate balance. You have the benefit of less pain, along with increased energy and well being.

The Amega Global Opportunity

Amega Global provides a multilevel marketing opportunity. The compensation plan is centered on a binary structure and includes a number of ways that distributors can make money.

You can sell their product retail or sell to preferred customers. You can build a team and generate cash from fast start bonuses, mega matching bonuses, team binary commissions, team generation bonuses, leadership pools, and a builders pool.

Representatives can join the company for as low as $49, but it would be wise to get and use their products. This is an opportunity where you need to understand and experience the results personally.

Is Amega Global The Best Business For You?

Amega Global established itself as a solid business producing top notch products. Their products are relatively unique in the explosive health and wellness industry. My friend and professional in this arena, Duncan Crow, speaks highly of this business and its wellness products.

The management team has the qualifications and network marketing know-how to continue developing this company. Statistically companies that have been in business over 3 years tend to continue in business more than 70% of the time.

How about you? Do you have any MLM knowledge or is this brand new to you? Bear in mind this is a business that requires effective marketing to be successful. Are you willing to discover how?

How You Can Become A Top Earner

It is interesting to look at what the emerging top producers in Amega Global and many other companies are using. They figured out how to mix traditional multilevel marketing methods with online marketing approaches. The result is an endless flow of targeted, free prospects for their opportunity.

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