Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MLM Success, Mike Dillard Teaches Attraction Marketing To Catapult Your MLM Success

MLM Success | Mike Dillard teaches

MLM success, Mike Dillard, got started in network marketing back in 2000; just about the time that replicated company websites were introduced. He began with the vision of being an MLM success, being an entrepreneur, generating a residual income. My goal, in this piece, is to share with you a small piece of Mike Dillard's story that you can apply to your business to achieve increased success.

Mike Dillard's Story

Mike Dillard started out in the network marketing industry right after completing school. He openly shares how that at that time, he was extremely shy, had very little self-confidence and was dead broke. He had to make money to take care of the bills, and at the same time, he needed to overcome his fear of talking to people.

He took a position as a medical recruiter calling 200+ doctors' offices, daily, to eliminate the fear picking up the phone and talking to prospects. Within no time at all, he had no problem picking up the phone confidently.

Next, he took a job waiting tables at PF Changs. This freed up his days to concentrate his efforts on network marketing. Mike used all the traditional business building strategies, attended home based events, handed out flyers, everything and anything without much results.

Mike began reading books and listening to instructional cds. He found out about target marketing, finding the people that were already interested in what you're selling. He learned about leadership. He started making calls to 100 to 200 people on genealogy lists, daily, still without much results.

He would think about how life could be so much better if he could get people to contact him. So, he focused on finding out what he had to do to get at least 5 to 10 prospects to get in touch with him on a daily basis. He found a mentor. He studied attraction marketing. Mike learned that prospects will join your team when they see you as a leader who can offer them value. He started to position himself as a leader and stopped chasing prospects.

After struggling for over 6 years, going deep into debt, and pawning his possessions just to eat, he finally figured things out, and discovered the art of magnetic sponsoring. At first, he made what he now mastered available to people in his company. Then he began teaching people, in any company, how to attract an unending number of new prospects and customers to them.

Today, Mike has built a multiple 7-figure organization, leveraging the Internet, in the network marketing industry. He teaches people that being a leader is a choice you make for yourself, immediately. It's a state of mind, a role that you put yourself into. It's the ability to tell someone else what to do next.

Mike Dillard teaches people to stand out from the rest by being honest, having integrity, and giving value. Some important elements that he suggests people focus on are:

1. Learn Internet lead generation and focus on one method until you are attracting 30 to 50 leads daily.
2. Learn to convert those leads into sales or prospects for your company.
3. Learn to talk on the phone to prospects and get them enrolled on your team.
4. Focus on one goal or project at a time and do 3 to 5 action items every day to accomplish it.

In a recent interview, Mike Dillard talks about the tremendous opportunity we have right now, in network marketing, due to the global economy. He tells us what we need to do to position ourselves for MLM success.

MLM Success is available to anyone who is willing to learn and apply what works. If you would like to learn, you're in luck, you can listen to this exclusive Mike Dillard interview for free, right now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jusuru International Review, Is Jusuru International A Good Business Opportunity For You?

Is Jusuru International a sound business venture? And is it the right opportunity for you? First of all, I am not involved with the company in any sense, so this assessment is entirely unbiased. What I plan to tell you about are some significant points to take into account when evaluating this venture.

1. The Company

In a press release dated February 16, 2010, Jusuru International, Inc., based in Anaheim, CA, announced its official launch. They come into the emerging health and wellness industry with a nutritional liquid, a juice product, whose primary ingredient is the multi-patented BioCell Collagen II® (BCII®), manufactured by BioCell Technology.

2. The Company's Leadership

Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru International, Inc., served as Executive Vice President of BioCell Technology, where she implemented unprecedented marketing and branding methods. In 2009, she co-founded Jusuru International and was appointed President.

3. The Juice Blend Product

Jusuru Life Blend™  is a nutritional juice whose key ingredient is BCII®. Recent research findings have shown this ingredient to sustain joint health and promote younger looking skin. The company states that they have an exclusive agreement to offer BCII® in liquid form.

Their juice blend also contains resveratrol, whose healthy aging benefits have been revealed in the grapes that make red wine. It contains the same amount of resveratrol as in two full bottles of red wine in a non-alcoholic form. Additionally, they added strong antioxidants from a variety of exotic fruits, which give it a unique taste.

4. The Marketplace

The health and wellness industry is projected to be a trillion dollar industry. Several top notch companies have introduced competing juice products, each promoting a unique formula. So what would make Jusuru standout above the rest?

“From a marketing standpoint,” explains Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru International, “the greatest strength of Jusuru Life Blend™ is also its greatest potential weakness. This product is backed by an enormous amount of scientific research, so there’s too much information to fit on a label that people will actually read. The only way non-specialists are going to understand the rationale behind each of its ingredients is to distribute it through people who understand these reasons and can take the time to explain them. This is why we chose network marketing.”

5. The Business Opportunity

The compensation plan is a network marketing plan and is based on a unilevel model. The plan offers 9 earning avenues that include direct sales, preferred customer bonus, fast start bonus, team commissions, enroller bonus, turbo infinity bonus, leader check match, leadership pools, and car bonus.

6. The Company's Training

The company provides traditional network marketing team building training. Creating a list of everybody you know and do business with. How to introduce the product to everyone you meet, giving away free bottles as a sample, conference calls, tasting presentations, and when you get their $39.95 iRep starter kit, you are given a replicated corporate website.

In summary, Jusuru International promotes a quality product backed by scientific study, a solid compensation plan, a replicated corporate website, and traditional network marketing training. They are off to a good start in a highly competitive area of the health and wellness industry. They offer a good business opportunity for individuals who know how to put together a multi-level marketing business.

If Jusuru International is the right venture for you and you would like to learn how to become a top producer, reaching heights that others only dream about, take a look at what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MLM Success Story, 7 Figures In Less Than 12 Months Helping People Conquer The Internet

A real MLM success story is revealed when you look at how Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer got together to help people conquer the Internet. As a team, they put together a 7-figure online empire in less than 1 year. What I plan to reveal to you is their story and how anyone, who wishes to dominate the Internet, can learn from their success.

Their MLM Success Story

As most people, they struggled in network marketing during their first few years. They attempted all the traditional methods, calling friends and family, making their warm list, holding home presentations, doing one-on-one presentations, going to hotel meetings, passing out flyers, mall prospecting, etc. and had very little success.

Next, they turned to the Internet, still determined to succeed, even though they racked up quite a bit of credit card debt. They enrolled in more than 20 assorted companies to understand how they worked. They were trying to figure out which opportunity would be most profitable.. The problem was that they didn't grasp the first thing about how to profitably build a network marketing business.

They continued to believe and focus on two factors that kept them going:

1. Network marketing was definitely the most profitable business  in the world, and
2. With 1.75 billion online users, the Internet was an absolute goldmine.

Eventually, their research, determination, and efforts began to pay off. They applied what they learn, having studied the top producers, and things came together. Within 12 months, they went from struggling to make ends meet to creating over $2 million in income.

During 2008, they introduced MLM Lead System Pro, a generic online lead generation system that anyone could learn and use to achieve success on the Internet. The company is based on attraction marketing and traffic generating principles, several of which were learned from Mike Dillard's, "Magnetic Sponsoring" and "MLM Traffic Formula."

MLM Lead System Pro is an all-inclusive lead generation system that enables anyone to easily customize lead capture pages, send autoresponder follow-up messages, modify sales pages, and effectively market nearly any MLM or network marketing venture. It includes high quality video training and ongoing live training covering the most effective Internet lead generation methods. In addition, people using this system, are able to produce multiple streams of income through affiliate commissions that are already setup in the system.

Conquer The Internet DVD Released

In 2010, they produced an online marketing DVD titled, "Conquer The Internet." This powerful DVD was planned to show people the best MLM recruiting strategies including:

* How the top network marketers recruit new distributors at will globally, 24 x 7, while they sleep, on total autopilot.

* The #1 most important thing you need to do in order to keep your new distributors on autoship so that you get paid long-term and build your residual check 100-fold.

* How you can make thousands of dollars per month off the 90%+ who say no to your MLM company.

* The most powerful and proven 7-step marketing blueprint that will keep your phone ringing off the hook with laser-targeted prospects that are ready to join your network marketing company.

* How to avoid rejection forever, become the hunted instead of the hunter, and avoid being part of the 95% who will fail in network marketing...

Their "Conquer The Internet" DVD is intended to show you how average, everyday people are making a killing using the Internet. The objective of this DVD is to not only help you see how fortunes are created online, but to provide you with everything you need to begin creating your own empire online starting now!

And their MLM success story moves on. If you would like to see a short, personal message from the creators of this powerful, life changing DVD, visit this "Conquer The Internet" website now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MLM Lead Generation, How Words Can Generate Free MLM Leads And Help You Recruit More Reps

MLM lead generation with words? What I'm talking about is submitting articles or blog posts that appear on the Internet. Content that people in MLM or network marketing companies would learn something from. My goal here is to share with you how you can use this strategy to ultimately attract MLM leads and enroll distributors lightening fast.

Now, how would content you post on the Internet produce results? Most people use the Internet to find information, solutions to their problems, or because they're wanting to study something. When you provide what they're looking for, many times, they may want to know more about you and what you're doing. Now is when your MLM lead generation system gets involved.

MLM Lead Generation -- Content Marketing

This is how this top producer, David Wood, uses simple articles to generate 100+ free MLM leads day after day and recruit 10+ new distributors week after week. He showed me what he does and it's not difficult. This strategy is not difficult when you have someone to show you precisely what you need to do. So, since I want to keep this article short, focused, and easy to read, here are a few things he taught me to do:

1. Write one piece of content or a blog entry daily and put it on your website or blog. It is important to be consistent. After a short time, you will start to stand out in the crowd and begin to see some success.

2. Write different versions of your content and submit it to numerous article directories. This is whats know as spinning your article. It takes an additional half hour for each article to re-write the sentences 3 times. You can do this very easy with the right software. Next use the same software and submit your content to more than 100 different article directories throughout Internet. since you're creating different content by spinning the articles, you're not going to run into duplicate content problems. The software we use to write, spin, and submit our content is called Automatic Article Submitter.

3. The writings you submit will include an author resource box or author's bio section. This is where you includ links back to your original content that you placed on your website or blog. This will give your words tremendous exposure and generate several backlinks to your website or blog. Google will look at the links as linking to various pieces of unique content and rank your original article high. How would you like to have your articles appear on the first page of of Google for the keywords you research and use? Now here's where your MLM lead generation system takes over and starts to work miracles.

4. Next, promote your original blog entry or article with a short video. Create a 30 second video and submit it to as  many video sharing sites as you can. Point the link in your video resource box back to your original piece of content. You can use a service called Traffic Geyser to do this quite easily. Or there is a free website you can use called TubeMogul, It's just not as effective or as fast as Traffic Geyser.

5. Next bookmark you original content using a as service that's free, OnlyWire will submit your article to various social bookmarking, which will expose your content even more.

Writing articles is just one of a few highly effective MLM lead generation strategies you can employ to produce high quality, free MLM leads. Having an effective MLM lead generation system, in place, can help you sponsor more distributors lightening fast. It's not that difficult when you have a mentor to show you precisely what to do.

MLM lead generation. If you're wanting to find out more about MLM lead generation, how it works, or more importantly, how you can use it to generate free MLM leads and build your business like the top producers, visit MLM lead generation now!

MLM Success Online, How To Radiate Self-Confidence That Explodes Your MLM Success

Your MLM success online is closely related to the level of your self-confidence. Self-confident people are positive people who have learned how to take massive action and produce results. Here's how to increase your self-confidence, empowering you to attract numerous new reps and enjoy the MLM success you desire.

MLM Success Online - 5 Ideas To Develop Total Self-Confidence:

Idea 1 - Your Past Does Not Equal Your Future

You cannot dwell in the past and expect to function productively in the future. Your past is just that, it's your past. If your past is filled with success, use your memories to empower you now, in the present. Create a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Then, eliminate the list of weaknesses and focus entirely on your strengths.

If your past includes failure, learn from it. Learning from the past means being aware of mistakes and making sure not to repeat them. Forgive yourself and decide to live in the now with a optimistic attitude.

Idea 2 - I'm Not Guilty, You're Not Guilty

Most of us have been taught to feel guilty. School, friends, family, religion, and our loved ones have consciously turned us into guilt machines. How often have you been reminded of what you did or said, or didn't do or didn't say? Have you ever done something because someone made you feel guilty? Since most of us are conditioned to seek approval from others, we cannot handle guilt when it is imposed upon us.

So how do you deal with this? Once you learn from your past and forgive yourself, recognize that you are not your actions. The actions you take, wise or unwise, are the product of your present awareness. Take time to examine what you know, what people are suggesting you do or not do. Think about whether others are using guilt to manipulate you in any way, if so, tell them it's not going to work anymore. If you're using guilt to manipulate anyone, stop.

Idea 3 - The Law Of Mental Magnetism

The law of mental magnetism means that you will draw to yourself what you consistently focus upon. Anything you give dominant thought to, whether it be sickness or health, success or failure, abundance or lack, the object of your attention will be attracted to you.

On the surface, most of us desire success, happiness, safety, love, and security, but since they focus on what they don't want, they do not attract the things they want. Yet not many of us understand this amazing fact. The important thing is to know exactly what you desire and focus on it. If you don't, you will only attract confusion.

Idea 4 - Creative Imagination

We can change our future when we use our creative imagination. By continuously picturing what you genuinely desire, you can wipe out any old movies playing in your head and introduce a totally new story. In other words, you can free yourself from the limitations that are holding you back. Creative imagination makes things happen.

Idea 5 - Your MLM Success Online

Your MLM success online is assured when you setup and use an effective system. A system that includes MLM lead generation, produces cash flow, and effortlessly positions you to enroll new distributors. It helps you create real results, which increases your confidence. Your increased self-confidence, in turn, drives you to take massive action. And this success cycle continues to repeat itself...

MLM success online is achievable by anyone when you have someone to show you exactly what to do. If you want to increase your self-confidence and attract the success you deserve, visit now.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MLM Marketing Strategies, Effective Facebook Marketing Without Spamming

Including Facebook marketing, as one of your MLM marketing strategies, can generate a steady stream of high quality, free mlm leads. Implementing it effectively can turn those leads into customers or new distributors quickly. In fact, if you're not applying it, in some way, you are missing a great opportunity.

Currently, Facebook is positioned as the #2 most visited website on the Internet, just behind Google. It's the hottest online social networking location in the world. So, it's a must for you to have some type of presence on it if you want to maximize your MLM success. What I want to do is show you how I use Facebook and point you to some effective resources that will help you in your Facebook Marketing efforts.

First: Let's Talk About What Doesn't Work

Most marketers focus on adding numerous friends so they can promote their opportunity to them. They want to let you know about their once in a lifetime opportunity or unbelievable compensation plan. This seldom works, yet people do this over and over again. This is considered spamming and really bugs most potential prospects. If you're being told to bombard people with your opportunity, as one of your MLM marketing strategies, please stop now. There are more profitable methods.

Second: Effective Facebook Marketing

Facebook is a social networking website. So how can you use it profitably as part of your MLM marketing strategies? Think about it, social networking websites are intended for people to connect with other people. You can use it to connect with new people in your specific market. You can use it to build relationships by getting to know them and sharing something of value with them. When adding friends, you can focus on adding friends from groups promoting MLM or network marketing. Connect with them, find out how they're doing, and share information with them. They will eventually ask you about your company or want to know how they can buy your products.

Third: A Powerful, Rarely Used Idea

Here is an idea one of my mentors gave me. Implementing it has doubled my results. But, before I go on, I need to tell you that Facebook is not one of my chief MLM marketing strategies. I use it to connect with potential prospects who visit my blog and optin to my free training offer. When a person provides me with their email address, I search for them on Facebook. If they have an account, I send them a personalize message saying hello. This simple little action takes our relationship to the next level. And remember, people do business with people they like and trust. In addition, I'll read and reply to personal emails people send me. This takes so little time and works in such a big way. Try these ideas in your marketing and tell me how they work.

We are in a very competitive marketplace and yet, so few business people invest any of their time to find out more about their prospects and customers. Consider, for a moment, what would happen in your business if one of your MLM marketing strategies was to connect with you prospects. If you invested the time to get to know them a little bit. If you were to ask them about what they do, what obstacles they face, and what their dreams are. If you were to share with them valuable tools that help them. Do you think you might stand out in the crowd? Do you think they might like to learn about your company and how being a part of your team could help them be more successful?

If your MLM marketing strategies include Facebook marketing and you want to improve your results, you're in luck. In a recent interview this top producer, who earns 5 figures a month from Facebook alone, shares more of his powerful ideas. You can listen to him now visit Facebook Marketing at