Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MLM Success Story, 7 Figures In Less Than 12 Months Helping People Conquer The Internet

A real MLM success story is revealed when you look at how Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer got together to help people conquer the Internet. As a team, they put together a 7-figure online empire in less than 1 year. What I plan to reveal to you is their story and how anyone, who wishes to dominate the Internet, can learn from their success.

Their MLM Success Story

As most people, they struggled in network marketing during their first few years. They attempted all the traditional methods, calling friends and family, making their warm list, holding home presentations, doing one-on-one presentations, going to hotel meetings, passing out flyers, mall prospecting, etc. and had very little success.

Next, they turned to the Internet, still determined to succeed, even though they racked up quite a bit of credit card debt. They enrolled in more than 20 assorted companies to understand how they worked. They were trying to figure out which opportunity would be most profitable.. The problem was that they didn't grasp the first thing about how to profitably build a network marketing business.

They continued to believe and focus on two factors that kept them going:

1. Network marketing was definitely the most profitable business  in the world, and
2. With 1.75 billion online users, the Internet was an absolute goldmine.

Eventually, their research, determination, and efforts began to pay off. They applied what they learn, having studied the top producers, and things came together. Within 12 months, they went from struggling to make ends meet to creating over $2 million in income.

During 2008, they introduced MLM Lead System Pro, a generic online lead generation system that anyone could learn and use to achieve success on the Internet. The company is based on attraction marketing and traffic generating principles, several of which were learned from Mike Dillard's, "Magnetic Sponsoring" and "MLM Traffic Formula."

MLM Lead System Pro is an all-inclusive lead generation system that enables anyone to easily customize lead capture pages, send autoresponder follow-up messages, modify sales pages, and effectively market nearly any MLM or network marketing venture. It includes high quality video training and ongoing live training covering the most effective Internet lead generation methods. In addition, people using this system, are able to produce multiple streams of income through affiliate commissions that are already setup in the system.

Conquer The Internet DVD Released

In 2010, they produced an online marketing DVD titled, "Conquer The Internet." This powerful DVD was planned to show people the best MLM recruiting strategies including:

* How the top network marketers recruit new distributors at will globally, 24 x 7, while they sleep, on total autopilot.

* The #1 most important thing you need to do in order to keep your new distributors on autoship so that you get paid long-term and build your residual check 100-fold.

* How you can make thousands of dollars per month off the 90%+ who say no to your MLM company.

* The most powerful and proven 7-step marketing blueprint that will keep your phone ringing off the hook with laser-targeted prospects that are ready to join your network marketing company.

* How to avoid rejection forever, become the hunted instead of the hunter, and avoid being part of the 95% who will fail in network marketing...

Their "Conquer The Internet" DVD is intended to show you how average, everyday people are making a killing using the Internet. The objective of this DVD is to not only help you see how fortunes are created online, but to provide you with everything you need to begin creating your own empire online starting now!

And their MLM success story moves on. If you would like to see a short, personal message from the creators of this powerful, life changing DVD, visit this "Conquer The Internet" website now.

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