Sunday, June 6, 2010

Social Media Science Review, How To Get Listed On Google Page One

Social Media Science (Synnd)? What is it? How can it help you get a massive increase in visitors to your website?

This Social Media Science review will tell you what Synnd does and how it works its magic.

Social Media Science Review

Synnd is a content syndication network. A content syndication network is made up of people who have a common interest in both reading and sharing usefulness content with numerous people.

Synnd is a network of over 800 marketers, and growing, focused on helping your valuable content get viral exposure via social media. Hmmm, what's in it for them?

The greatest feature of Synnd is that all the content syndication work is done via automation. Members share your content because, after doing this, their valuable content gets promoted by the membership. And remember, the process is entirely automated.

Can you envision having your valuable information voted on, shared, rated, tweeted, and bookmarked by several different members? Do you think Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the other search engines will rank you content higher than your competitors? You know they will!

Social Media Science offered a 14 day tryout of their system and I went for it. I tested them using a keyword phrase fixed to content that had around 371,000 websites competing for a first page position.

Adding Synnd to my strategy, my content ranked on the first page of Google within a couple days. And my site was in the 3rd position, on the 1st page, within seven days. I actually was in a higher spot than Jonathan Budd's site for the identical keyword phrase.

Can you imagine what that did to my site traffic? Wow, that was fun!

Social Media Science Founders

Synnd was formed by Charles Heflin and Thomas Rozof. These two have several other successful Internet based companies. They both have more than ten years of Internet marketing experience. Google them to find more detail. You will be pleased with what you see.

Why would it be a good idea to use Social Media Science - the Content Syndication Network?

Social Media Science Advantage Review

1. Synnd is an Internet marketing method that frees your time allowing you to work on increasing profits from you business.

2. You could attempt to organize your personal content syndication network, but you would need to maintain more than 18,000 social media accounts, rotate your IP address across over 800 unique IP addresses from around the globe and work non-stop for over 466 hours every time you desire to achieve the same effect that Synnd does for you in just a FEW MINUTES with only a few mouse button clicks.

3. Having your site listed on Google's first page for your specific keywords equals a huge increase in targeted traffic. How would you feel if you were able to also get the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position on the first page? For virtually any keywords you want?

From my own experience, I can share with you that it's a lot of profitable fun!

4. There are many more advantages. These 1st three should be more than enough to get you thinking.

In summary, Synnd is authentic, it really works, and it is an effective way to create huge amounts of traffic to your website. Don't trust what I say, test it out for yourself.

I recommend Synnd to anyone who wants to use cutting edge technology to create massive traffic. If this Social Media Science review peaked your interest, go ahead and find out more about Synnd click here now.

Your Internet Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Jim Hageman
P.S.: Make sure you fill in the form on the top, right side of this page. You'll get access to My FREE Training Center.
P.S.S.: Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun and make a ton of money. Visit Play Winning Poker Now - Learn - Play - Earn (click here now)!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Poker Training Network Review, How To Create Massive Texas Holdem Poker Income

Poker Training Network Review, PTN Review 

Can you combine playing winning poker and network marketing to create a wealthier lifestyle?

Can you blend playing winning Texas Hold 'Em Poker and MLM to produce a richer life?

This Poker Training Network review is intended to help you to decide for yourself. In fact, it will offer you insight into how you can create substantial income through the worldwide growth of poker.

Before we move on, I have to admit that when I started writing this evaluation, I had no interest in joining this business. As I was doing my thorough research, for this PTN review, I became very interested. Actually, I made the decision to join them. Continue reading to know why.

Poker Training Network Review

Poker Training Network (PTN) entered into prelaunch near the beginning of September, 2009. They entered the market as the first company to mix MLM with the enormous global interest in poker.

More than two years and millions of dollars have been invested in research and development on the most state of the art, dynamic, elearning, poker training website ever launched. It is full of 3D animation, 3D graphics, and it is completely about poker. It's a lot of fun.

Poker Training Network Leadership Team

PTN has an extremely experienced management team with more than 150 years combined background in multilevel marketing, Internet marketing, website development, social networking, software development, educational training, video production operations, and professional Texas Hold 'Em Poker playing.

Poker Training Network Market

The Texas Hold 'Em Poker market is enormous! There are approximately 70 million players in the United States and over 300 million globally. The marketplace is growing to more than 500 million rapidly.

If you play Texas Hold 'Em Poker you probably know other poker players, who know other poker players.

If you do not play Texas Hold 'Em Poker, you probably know somebody who does play and who knows other Texas Hold 'Em Poker players, who know other Texas Hold 'Em Poker players.

Poker Training Network Products

Poker Training Network has an all-inclusive Internet based training product for everyone. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, PTN can help you develop the skill of Texas Hold 'Em Poker.

Poker-TEL gives you access to first class training and education. Poker-TEL delivers 100s of Texas Hold 'Em Poker lessons with a lot more coming. PTN uses state of the art technology and a modern approach to learning.

PTN Poker Edge
Poker Edge is like your private poker coach. You have access to a set of software tools that will coach you to assess your skill levels and steer you to improving your game.

Poker Training Network Opportunity

The PTN pay plan is one of the richest in the MLM business. It has a binary hybrid plan that pays out money five different ways. It includes Retail Sales, Team Commissions, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, Advertising and Revenue Sharing Pools, plus a Luxury Car Program.

The economy has numerous capable people trying to find a way to increase or replace their salary. And poker is a sport that a lot of people love to play. PTN has a full-blown online system to create a huge national organization in the United States and soon to be international.

Is The Poker Training Network Opportunity Right For You?

Is PTN an opportunity where you can have a lot of fun and live a wealthier lifestyle? Can you help others enjoy the sport of Texas Hold 'Em Poker while you get wealthier?

Poker Training Network has a Facebook Texas Hold 'Em Poker Application that is in beta testing as I am writing this PTN review. That is huge. It is a simple way to recruit people. Just give them an invitation to play and if they join, you get the commission.

PTN has a proprietary Internet based social networking Texas Hold 'Em Poker site named It is the ultimate Internet based prospecting tool and lead generation system.

PTN has a complete online recruiting system with remarkable videos that promote PTN services and the business for you. PTN give you an Internet based prospecting and contact management system as well.

There is no competition, no products to stock or ship. Everything is Internet based. This can be a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. PTN is a remarkable business to be in.

You get to play something that is a lot of fun. You get to share PTN with others and you get to make money from that.

These are the reasons why I enrolled in this company and you ought to as well.

Jim Hageman coaches numerous people to become top producers in various multilevel marketing business opportunities. I hope you liked this Poker Training Network review. If you want to find out how you can work directly with Jim Hageman and see a more in depth Poker Training Network review, click here now.

Your MLM Success Coach and Mentor,
Work with Jim Hageman Directly, Poker Training Network Review
P.S. Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Fill Out The Form (top right), Right Now, to Get Your Free Marketing Training.

P.S.S. Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun, make a ton of money, and work with Jim Hageman directly...
Work With Jim Hageman - Learn - Play - Earn (click here now)!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Amega Global Review, Can You Actually Wave Your Amega Global Magical Wand And Become Financially Free?

Amega Global reveals its magic wand! Can you actually wave your magical Amega Global wand and live an improved, richer lifestyle?

This Amega Global review will offer you vital information to assist you in making your own decision. And you can be confident that this article is unbiased, seeing that I am not a part of Amega Global.

Amega Global Review

The business was established in February, 2006 to manufacture and promote wellness products. They function by way of network marketing reps, placed all over the world. The company currently has offices in 17 countries and is planning to get bigger. Their mission is to supply health, wealth, and happiness.

The Amega Global Executive Team

One of the main areas to focus on when you evaluate enrolling in an opportunity is its leadership team. Do they possess the experience and personal history to manage the business successfully? Are they capable of building the business to be around for several years to come?

The key management team:

Eric Banks, the President, has a substantial background in worldwide finance and wealth management.

CEO, Arun Kemer, has a substantial background in training and inspiring individuals to achieve their full potential.

VP of Business Development, Calvenn Starre, brings his multilevel marketing experience to the business. He is well known as a top recruiter for a profitable healthy juice opportunity.

Rick Fleshman, VP of Operations and Marketing, brings more than 20 years of lucrative network marketing experience to the business.

They unquestionably have a strong leadership team running the show. You can review more details by going to

The Amega Global Product Line

They manufacture and sell products delivering personal, nutritional, environmental, and financial wellness. This consists of energy powders, massage oils, facial creams, water filtration, and zero point energy products.

One of their revolutionary wellness products is the Amega Wand. It is designed based on zero point energy. The Amega zero point energy wand uses magnetic energy to restore your body to its appropriate balance. You have the benefit of less pain, along with increased energy and well being.

The Amega Global Opportunity

Amega Global provides a multilevel marketing opportunity. The compensation plan is centered on a binary structure and includes a number of ways that distributors can make money.

You can sell their product retail or sell to preferred customers. You can build a team and generate cash from fast start bonuses, mega matching bonuses, team binary commissions, team generation bonuses, leadership pools, and a builders pool.

Representatives can join the company for as low as $49, but it would be wise to get and use their products. This is an opportunity where you need to understand and experience the results personally.

Is Amega Global The Best Business For You?

Amega Global established itself as a solid business producing top notch products. Their products are relatively unique in the explosive health and wellness industry. My friend and professional in this arena, Duncan Crow, speaks highly of this business and its wellness products.

The management team has the qualifications and network marketing know-how to continue developing this company. Statistically companies that have been in business over 3 years tend to continue in business more than 70% of the time.

How about you? Do you have any MLM knowledge or is this brand new to you? Bear in mind this is a business that requires effective marketing to be successful. Are you willing to discover how?

How You Can Become A Top Earner

It is interesting to look at what the emerging top producers in Amega Global and many other companies are using. They figured out how to mix traditional multilevel marketing methods with online marketing approaches. The result is an endless flow of targeted, free prospects for their opportunity.

Jim Hageman teaches people how to become top money makers, If this Amega Global review inspired you to get into network marketing, see what Jim Hageman recommends. Get immediate access to your FREE marketing training.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
LYF Review, LYF Network
P.S. Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article.

P.S.S. Do you like playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker? This may be your best opportunity to have fun making money ==> Play Winning Poker Now (click here now).

Friday, May 7, 2010

MLM Success, How To Overcome The Major Obstacles To Your MLM Success

MLM success is the result so many reps want to enjoy, yet 95% never achieve. How come? This article shows you the facts about the MLM business and how you can position yourself for MLM success.

MLM Success -- The Biggest Problems

Okay, you found a first class opportunity that offers first class products and has an excellent compensation plan. So why are most people struggling or quitting?

Chief 3 Reasons Why Reps Do Not Achieve MLM Success:

Reason 1. Hardly Any Cash Flow

Most people that get involved in network marketing are excited about the company that they just joined and want to make money fast. MLM is not a get rich fast scheme.

It involves time and constant effort to make an income that builds over time. When they become aware of this truth, around 70% drop out, while another 25% struggle and fold.

Reason 2. Too Few Potential Prospects

The traditional strategy is to write out your list of people you know, family, and friends. Then, you contact people on your list to present your exciting new opportunity to them. You meet with them personally or invite them to your residence for a get together.

Some distributors get good results with this method. Most people get frustrated. They hound every person they see only to give up after they face enough rejection.

Reason 3. Ineffective Network Marketing Sales and Marketing Training

Multilevel marketing is a cost effective way to get into your own business, which makes it very attractive. However, it is a business that requires sales and marketing.

Most MLM businesses offer training on the traditional approaches. And, as we already mentioned, the majority of reps fail to make enough money rapidly enough, can't handle the rejection, and end up dropping out.

How Can You Attain MLM Success?

Now, let's talk about a few of the activities that top producers, who are involved in multilevel marketing today, are doing to achieve massive MLM success. We will get into more later.

1. Top earners invest time and money to learn how to market their company leveraging the Internet. They figured out that the Internet gives them a way to reach millions of people inexpensively or for free.

2. Top producers recognize that for them to be a MLM success, they have to have a continuous flow of new potential prospects. They use a system to target potential prospects that are currently involved in the network marketing industry and their style of business.

3. Top earners realize that it requires time and consistent effort to bring in big money and attain the residual income possibilities of multilevel marketing. They figured out how to make cash through other income producing avenues that they designed into their online lead generation system. Top money makers learned how to create cash flow while they are developing their business.

4. Top earners do not pursue people. Their marketing methods attract interested prospects to their company. They use a system to develop a relationship with those people and a lot of it is done effortlessly.

5. Top earners instruct new recruits how to use their systematic method of marketing. They help new distributors discover how they can generate money quickly as they are developing their multilevel marketing opportunity. This is vital to retain good distributors.

To achieve MLM Success, it would be productive for you to learn and do what the top money makers are doing.

Jim Hageman teaches people the systematic approach that top producers use to produce massive MLM success. If you want to know how you can become a top earner, look at what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE marketing training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
MLM Success, Jim Hageman Recommends
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. If you want to know how you can become a top earner, look at what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE marketing training right now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

LYF Review, Does The LYF Network Offer You A Lifestyle Of Luxury And Well Being?

Can LYF offer you a life filled with luxury and well being? And do they have what it takes to stay in business and give you your new lifestyle long-term?

This LYF review is intended to give you some information to consider before you make a decision to enroll in this company. I do not represent this company, so this evaluation is entirely unbiased.

LYF Review

LYF is a new network marketing company focused on 4 quickly emerging market segments:

1. Health and Wellness,
2. Personal Care,
3. Home Care, and
4. Technology.

LYF officially began its pre-launch stage on April 29, 2010 in Santa Monica, CA. The company projects its official launch to be in September, 2010.

The Company's Management

Michael S. Han is the founder and driving force leading LYF. Prior to starting this opportunity, Mr. Han founded Envion in January 2002. Mr. Han has a number of years of experience and considerable investments in many industries, including renewable energy, telecommunications, Internet, and direct marketing.

Antony Ho, Co-Founder of the company, has been a senior executive with several Fortune 500 companies.

The company's website,, can provide you with a more detailed view of the complete executive group. From what I looked at, this business is staffed with key executives positioned for worldwide expansion.

Their Products - Here is a quick review of their four product segments:

1. Health and Wellness

LYFSOURCE A2 IRB -- provides the superior antioxidant properties of the acai berry in a tasty soft chew that you can take as a nutritional supplement daily.

LYFSOURCE Q2 EFE -- has Quercetin, Vitamin B3, Folic Acid, and Vitamin C blended to deliver more energy, endurance, and mental focus.

2. Personal Care

A variety of skin care and facial care products blended to cleanse and rejuvenate. This category also provides a sugar-free pomegranate and white tea that boosts your skin’s natural glow.

3. Home Care

A group of natural products designed to clean, refresh, and disinfect.

4. Technology

LYF Network offers Internet, wireless, unified messaging, and phone services.

Business Opportunity

The compensation plan provides 7 avenues an associate can earn money. It is based on a MLM unilevel version paid up to 9 levels. The plan includes sales to retail customers, fastrak income, bonus pools, and rank advancement.

Coaching and Training

The company offers training and individual coaching to help each one of their associates succeed. They focus on training the traditional warm market, multilevel marketing method.

Does LYF Offer The Right Opportunity For You?

The company looks to be positioned well to penetrate its targeted market segments. It has a strong, veteran leadership group and is well funded. On the other hand, it is a new company and just a small number of new network marketing companies continue to exist past their 1st year.

When considering this opportunity or any other network marketing, the key factor in your success is you. Are these products and this opportunity something you would like to use personally? And talk about with your family and friends?

What are do you plan to do when you out of people you know to share your shiny new business with? This is what many people who get into network marketing fail to understand and plan for.

Top producers getting into the MLM industry today have figured out how to create a constant flow of laser targeted prospects for their company. They know that without prospects they soon will be out of business.

Top producers learn to leverage the Internet to grow their team worldwide. They figured out a way to blend the traditional MLM, warm market strategy, with online marketing approaches. They have found out how to brand themselves as leaders and attract others to become a member of their team.

They provide team members value beyond what the company training can teach them. They solved the major problem new multilevel marketers face: lack of immediate income. They help their team members generate cash rapidly.

Jim Hageman teaches people how to become top money makers. If this LYF review inspired you to learn how you can become a top money maker, see what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
LYF Review, LYF Network
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Check out what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get access to your FREE training right now.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Xango Review, Does Xango Still Offer A Good Business To Get Into?

Can Xango still offer you a profitable business opportunity? More and more new companies are entering the fast growing health and wellness arena. The information presented was written to help you make your own decision. Since I do not represent this business, this Xango review is totally unbiased.

Xango Review

Xango Mangosteen Juice, the first case shipped in November, 2002, was the company's beginning in the health and wellness marketplace. The company now offers numerous products and operates in more than 30 different countries all through its multilevel marketing business organization.

Xango has been in business since September, 2002. This is noteworthy seeing as less than 10% of new network marketing businesses exist past their first year. Statistically, the rate of survival for companies that have been in business for over three years jumps to over 70%.

Xango Leadership Team

Xango was created by six men who wanted to make a difference in the wellbeing, along with the financial and social aspects of a person's life. The executive team, running the business, has numerous years of experience in the multilevel marketing industry. This is a definite plus for the company's continued success. The company's website,, will give you a more detailed look at this bunch.

Xango Mangosteen Fruit Healthy Products

The company's products are produced with the mangosteen fruit, which is usually grown in Southeast Asia. The mangosteen fruit is roughly the size of a tangerine and is full of tons of biologically active xanthones. Xanthones have many antioxidant properties and promote a healthier body.

Product Categories:

1. Nutritional products including Xango Mangosteen Juice, 3SIXTY5, Eleviv, and Meal Packs,
2. Glimpse Skin Care,
3. Mangosteen Pericaro Oil, and
4. Juni shampoo, conditioner, and body cleansing products.

Business Opportunity

The company's money making opportunity is based on a MLM business model paying 50% of commissionable sales. Distributors can profit through:

1. Selling the products retail,
2. Power Start Weekly,
3. Unilevel Monthly, up to 9 levels, and
4. Global and 500K quarterly bonuses.

Company Training

The company provides training on traditional MLM sales and marketing methods. Their XGoPro Training System provides weekly training CDs. Representatives have an Internet office and a replicated corporate site. The company has several sales tools to choose from. There is a $35 enrollment fee to start as a distributor.

Is The Xango Business Opportunity Right For You?

The company is a successful business with a multilevel marketing seasoned leadership team. The products are of high quality and deliver results.

The important element in your success is you. Is this opportunity and its products something you can get excited about?

If you can, is this the product line and business that you would like to speak to your friends and family about? What are you going to do when you run out of potential prospects to call? Are you going to buy leads? Do you intent to advertise? How do you plan to market?

Top earners have figured out how to mix traditional multilevel marketing methods with Internet marketing. They realize that having a ton of prospects wanting to know more about their opportunity is critical to success.

Top earners have a way to train new members that join their team. They teach new reps how to get off to a profitable start. Their new team members learn how to build their business using both the traditional strategies and the Internet.

Jim Hageman trains regular people how to become top earners. If this Xango review got you to look at Xango or the MLM industry, see what Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get your FREE training now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Xango Review, Xango
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Check out Jim Hageman recommends (click here) and get your FREE training now.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

XOWii Review, Can XOWii Provide You With A Profitable, Empowered Life?

XOWi - Empowered Life. Will XOWii be alive long enough to grant you an empowered life? This XOWii review will provide you with information to think about if you are checking out this business. By the way, I am not involved with this opportunity so this is actually an unbiased XOWii review.

XOWii Review

XOWii officially ventured into the lucrative, extremely competitive health and wellness market in October, 2009. The company is a MLM company located in Costa Mesa, CA and operates via a network of independent distributors in the USA. Their business is built on the Hawaiian KonaRed Coffee Cherry and the health benefits it provides.

The XOWii Leadership Team

Does the executive team have the background to build the opportunity long-term? This is absolutely an essential subject for you to care about, given that only a small percentage of MLM companies survive their first year.

Richard Kelly is the Chief Executive Officer and one of the co-founders of the company. He also co-founded Kelly Capital and has many years of successful investment experience.

James Christiansen, Co-Founder and President of the company, has several years of background in the commercial lending marketplace. He served as Vice President of Premier Commercial Bank, then President of Premier Commercial Capital, Inc. He also has two plus years of multi-level marketing experience, as a Diamond level MonaVie distributor, which is a likely plus.

KonaRed Coffee Cherry Based Products

The KonaRed Coffee Cherry is one of the most recent superfruits to hit the market. The tropical fruit is native to the Hawaiian Islands and is rich in antioxidants and nutrients.

XOWii Energy is their caffeine free, all natural, energy drink featuring the KonaRed Coffee Cherry. The company claims that this drink boosts mood and energy, helps resist sun damage, reduces systematic stress and neutralizes free radicals delaying the aging process, and reduces appetite. They say it also posts a leading ORAC score of 5,735 for each can.

XOWii Ultimate is a healthy drink that contains core nutrients designed to invigorate your body.

XOWii Thin is a weight loss beverage, containing a blend of three major ingredients designed to help suppress appetite, while giving one an energy and metabolism boost.

XOWii Opportunity

The company offers a competitive compensation plan boasting 10 different ways to make money. It provides bonuses to designed to help you get off to a fast start, a binary multi-level marketing plan, a car bonus, and much more.

Is XOWii An Opportunity That's Good For You?

This is the most important question to ask yourself. You have to realize that this is a network marketing company and sales and marketing activities are necessary for it to be profitable.

In reality, most people, who choose to get into MLM, do not make it. In fact, the three most significant reasons include:

1. Lack of Quality Leads

You must have a constant flow of quality leads that are interested in your opportunity, in order to be successful.

2. Lack of Money

It involves a little time and some money to make it in multi-level marketing.

3. Outdated Marketing Training

Nearly all companies and upline sponsors only offer traditional multi-level marketing training, marketing approaches and tools. Today's top producers have figured out how to put this together with Internet marketing.

They discovered how to use the Internet to create a constant flow of high quality prospects for their business. In addition, they discovered how to make money from people who say no to their MLM opportunity.

Jim Hageman helps people discover and use the secrets of MLM top money earners. If this XOWii review inspired you to become a top money maker, check out what Jim Hageman recommends and get access to your FREE training now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
XOWii Review, XOWii
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article. Make sure check out what Jim Hageman recommends and get access to your FREE training now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Livethesource Review, Is Livethesource Your Answer To Healthy Income?

Does Livethesource have what it takes to make it in the rapidly expanding health and wellness market? This Livethesource review is designed to give you some key points to think about before you choose to sign up. I am not in this company, so you can be confident that this evaluation is completely unbiased.

Livethesource Review

The company is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and offers a solution to the growing problem of vitamin deficiency. Their mission is to help users enhance their health and grow their wealth. They are currently operating, through a distributor network, in the United States.

Representatives, from the US, were on hand to officially launch Livethesource in Hollywood, California on September 12, 2009.

The Company's Leadership

Any time you consider enrolling in a new multi-level marketing company, invest the time to evaluate its management team. Do they have the experience to build the company and keep the company in business for the long haul?

A visit to the company's website,, will give more details, but let me mention a couple of facts. The four co-founders were involved in running billion dollar companies. Two have significant network marketing company management experience.

John Neubauer, Co-founder, President, and Chief Operating Officer, served, for many years, as the COO of Herbalife.

Paul John Peccianti, a co-founder, is the company's President of Global Sales. He personally has over 25 years of network marketing experience. He previously served as VP, Global Sales for Nikken, a global network marketing, and health and wellness company.

The Livethesource Product

The company's first product is labeled Dailysource. Dailysource is designed to be your total source of health and well being. It's a nano-encapsulated, liquid, all natural multi-vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplement.

The company has a patent on its all natural nanotechnology, which gives it uniqueness in the marketplace. This means that they discovered a method to ensure that nano size particles dissolve steadily, providing a sustained release of the vitamins, minerals, and herbal compounds. This process offers an 80% to 90% rate of absorption.

The Livethesource Business Opportunity

The company offers a competitive and potentially lucrative earnings plan based a uni-level multi-level marketing model. The plan includes retail sales, uni-level earnings, generation pay, a car bonus, an ambassador bonus, critical path bonuses, incentives, and trips.

The company offers standard, offline, multi-level marketing training and sales tools. They also implemented their GO Party strategy to help distributors start getting results.

Is the Livethesource Business Opportunity for you?

The health and wellness industry is enjoying significant growth. It is also experiencing considerable competition, something to be concerned about before joining this fairly new company.

The traditional network marketing method works for the few who do well in the industry. Sadly, about 95% of the people, who start in MLM, end up as wholesale customers of the company and make hardly any money.

Nowadays, a lot of people joining network marketing are becoming top money makers by combining the traditional method with Internet marketing. They found out how to produce a constant flow of highly interested prospects for their opportunity via the Internet.

This combined method is absolutely something to find out more about, if you are seriously considering starting in this business.

If you want to learn how using the Internet can make you a top earner in Livethesource - review what Jim Hageman recommends right now. You'll get access to FREE online training.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Livethesource Review, Livethesource
P.S.: Make sure you see what Jim Hageman recommends, Right Now, to get Your Free Training.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vollara Review, How To Know If Vollara Is The Right Opportunity For You?

Vollara entered the explosive health and wellness industry in January, 2010. But, can it go the distance in this highly competitive industry? In this Vollara review, I aim to discuss a few facts to help you decide for yourself. By the way, I am not part of the company in any form or fashion, so this assessment is totally unbiased.

Vollara Review

Vollara is new entity, but when you take a closer look, you find a well established, successful owner. Vollara's parent company began in 1924 as Electrolux, USA, a corporation well known for excellence in its products and service. (Electrolux, USA was renamed, Aerus, LLC, and is part of Aerus Holding, LLC.)

When you look further into the company, you find that Vollara was formerly known as EcoQuest International, a company that was acquired by the DBG Group Investments, a subsidiary of Aerus Holding, LLC. EcoQuest once manufactured and marketed air and water purification systems, energy management products and nutritional supplements. These are now made and marketed under the Vollara label.

The Company's Leadership

Aerus Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Joeseph P. Urso, and his team of executives, run the business. Mr. Urso mentioned that they have been planning on entering into multi-level marketing for around 10 years.

The Company's Products

Vollara markets health related products under three major areas.

Weight management, herbal blends offered to help people boost their energy level and attain their weight goal.

Wellness lifestyle, natural supplements to aid in maintaining optimum health. These include a juice blend, rich in antioxidants, that is affordable.

Environmental, air purification, water purification, and laundry products.

The Company's Business Opportunity

The compensation plan includes a direct sales and MLM component. Distributors can make immediate cash selling the products retail and they can recruit distributors to join their organization.

Is Vollara the company you should join?

The company has experienced leadership and is backed well financially. The parent company has been successfully operating for years. Leaders from EcoQuest have since enrolled as distributors and are generating banner sales. The health and wellness marketplace is growing rapidly, but there are also a lot of competitors.

In order to answer this question for yourself, you need to think about your beliefs, experience, and areas of strength. Are these products that you can be passionate about? Are you aware that continuous marketing and sales activities will be required?

Are you going to promote the products direct or work on sponsoring distributors? Is your plan to call your family, friends, and people you know? How are you going to create future prospects for your company? Is your plan to advertise? Is your plan to learn how to use Internet marketing to create targeted leads for your opportunity?

Many MLM top producers combine traditional strategies with online marketing to generate 10, 20, 50, or more leads daily. They continually focus on recruiting and sales. They use an effective system that helps them produce results every day.

Jim Hageman's Vollara review tells you that how top income earners have a system in place. If you want to produce a ton of free leads and sponsor more distributors, faster, look at what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,

Vollara Review, Vollara
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MLM Success, Mike Dillard On Overcoming Information Overload

MLM success, Mike Dillard teaches two simple ideas to help us overcome information overload. Mike recently discussed how he applied two ideas, with discipline, to create his 8-figure, online empire.

1. Mike Dillard Idea One

First of all, understand that it's normal for any person, who is passionate about their company, to want to learn whatever they can about building it.

We have a tendency to be interested in anything we find on the issue -- and there is frequently a massive amount. This is actually a stage we all go through as we make the effort to develop our business.

To grow your business, using the Internet, use this three step approach:

Step 1 -- Develop your list.

Step 2 -- Create a relationship with everybody on your list.

Step 3 -- Offer value to your list (which can be an affiliate product, a product or service your primary MLM company offers, or perhaps your primary MLM company).

Now, in order to accomplish this, the first skill you need to learn is how to generate traffic. When you're starting out, it might be nice to generate traffic from several sources, but it's best to focus on using one.

So pick the source that is most interesting to you, master it, and forget about the rest for now. Become so good at using it that you could write a book about it. When you know it that well you'll be creating a ton of traffic, as much as you desire.

The second skill you need to master is copywriting. This is salesmanship in writing. Now that you're getting traffic, use copywriting to get people to fill out your form and subscribe to your list.

Next, it's important that you create a bond with the people on your list. You need to master the ability to persuade them to take action. It's using your skill to write the ad copy, sales letter, or email that gets people to click the link in your ad or fill out your form.

You now have the ability to make money, sponsor distributors, or sell your products with the click of a mouse.

Mike suggests, particularly if you're starting out, that these are the two abilities you really need to focus on developing. He suggests that you eliminate everything else until you're good at using one approach that generates traffic and copywriting.

2. Mike Dillard Idea Two

The other idea that Mike Dillard reviews with us is his daily list of five. Near the end of the day, Mike reviews the most important results he wants to attain in his business and then plans the 5 things he wants to accomplish tomorrow. He types them out and makes a commitment to getting them done. Mike completes these before he checks email, Facebook, Twitter, or anything else.

Mike suggests that it's not how quick you start, it's how strong you finish that makes a difference. He compares building his 8-figure business to constructing a house, one brick at a time. Each brick is his list of five musts. Doing these five daily equals a ton of results over time.

Near the end of your day, making your daily five is one of the most important things you can do. Make a list of the five things you can accomplish tomorrow to get the results you want in your business. Be very specific. For example, instead of listing to learn attraction marketing, write down read 10 pages of Magnetic Sponsoring.

In summary, Mike Dillard recommends that you do these two ideas starting today and you'll begin to see results in your business. So let's create our daily five, decide on one traffic generating approach, and learn effective copywriting starting today.

If you desire to find out more about MLM success Mike Dillard, his success, and how that can help you explode your business, click here to access this personal Mike Dillard interview, right now, for free.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What's Working Now Review, Mike Dillard's Internet Marketing Time Saver

What's working now? Mike Dillard trains thousands of network marketers how to be successful through his Magnetic Sponsoring training. Now, he recently came out with a new offering that is planned to help online marketers cut through the hype and focus on using -- what's working now.

What's Working Now Review

What's Working Now (WWN) is positioned to address the main challenges most online marketers deal with today -- information overload and outdated information. WNN launched with an introductory price of $9.95 for the first month's subscription, which was loaded on a memory stick and shipped for free. And WNN also comes with a, no hassle, 30 day money back guarantee.

When you click on the offer you'll get to a sales page that explains three monthly subscriptions options to choose from. With each option you'll receive monthly issues of WNN and the following additional items:

Silver Edition
Also included is a two hour bonus training video, "Mike Dillard's 8-Figure Business Model."

Gold Edition
You get the bonus training video and you get to participate in an online Q & A session each month.

Platinum Edition
You also receive a subscription to, "Inside the Life of Mike," along with the bonus training video and are included the live answer session every month.

Mike mentions that the inkling for this offering came out of his own need. Trying to keep up with all the changes happening on the Internet and all the different potential new strategies constantly being introduced is crazy. Having to do this can take way too much time away from building your business.

Marketers who subscribe to What's Working Now will be given recent, effective content that they can use now to grow their online business. The information provided will show you what the top online marketers are using today to produce profitable results.

Why Subscribe To What's Working Now?

If you are just getting started with online marketing, you are most likely getting hit with numerous emails telling you how to get started. You are being offered so many choices. The ads for most of these options make sense, how do you make a good decision? And if you do go for one, is the strategy that you pick, still successful today or is it already old news?

Perhaps you've been marketing profitably online and out of nowhere Google closes your PPC account. Or you've been creating a following on your YouTube channel with various videos and without warning your account gets closed. Now, what do you do?

Whether you are new to marketing online or a seasoned veteran, you certainly want to find out what's the best method to use to develop your business -- today. What if that strategy came directly from someone who has built an 8-figure online business -- Mike Dillard and his team? It sounds like Mike cut through all the hype and created another product giving us a lot of value.

What's Working Now could be your shortcut to Internet success. Click here now for Your What's Working Now!

If you'd like to learn more about Mike and his background, you can click here now to listen to this exclusive Mike Dillard interview for free.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
What's Working Now Review -- Mike Dillard

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aliva Max Review, Is Alivamax Worldwide A Dynamic Company?

Does Alivamax Worldwide offer you an opportunity to make a lot of money -- and enjoy newfound youth? First of all, I am not involved with this company in any way, so this Aliva Max review is completely unbiased. What I'm going to give you is some things to think about before you join this business.

Alivamax Worldwide Review

The corporation was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. They offer dynamic youth restoring products for personal consumption. These products target the globe's aging market, which is massive. Their products are currently marketed in the United States and Canada. The company's vision includes expanding globally.

Alivamax Executive Leadership

When looking at a business to sign up in it's important to check out the background of those running the company. The company was founded and is run by Jerry Ricks and Mark J Sain. Together they have over 70 years of experience successfully developing profitable companies.

Alivamax Worldwide Anti-Aging Products

The company markets scientifically proven products that address the desires of the globe's older generation. Their anti-aging miracle serum is intended to promote a more youthful look by getting rid of wrinkles. Next, they sell a dietary product trademarked as their fountain of youth. In addition, they offer Jackie Chan's XGT, a healthy energy green tea drink mix. There is a global demand for these products in the marketplace. There are also a lot of companies competing for a piece of this enormous market.

Alivamax Worldwide Compensation Plan

The compensation is based on a network marketing business model. The plan includes retail sales, first order bonuses, monthly residual income from group volume (using a 3 x 10 forced matrix), matching bonuses, and a company bonus pool. There is no distributor starter kit to purchase. You can become a distributor simply by purchasing their product.

Alivamax Worldwide Training

The company offers traditional network marketing training by means of conference calls and regional meetings. In addition, their website,, offers various documents, videos, promotional aids, 800 number options, 800 number scripts, presentations, newspaper ad secrets, road signs, sizzle cards, business cards, and post cards.

Is Alivamax Worldwide A Good Opportunity For You?

The company is a fairly new company. They offer products aimed at the massive anti-aging market and that are scientifically supported. The key executives have experience in running thriving companies. Will the company be in business long-term? Time will tell.

A major factor to think about when answering this question -- is you. Do the products offered excite you enough to want to promote them? Do you have any experience with network marketing? Do you realize that you have to market this business to succeed? Are you planning to draw on the traditional MLM marketing approach to grow your business? Are you going to leverage the Internet to find leads for your business?

The top producers have studied how to leverage the Internet to explode their business. They use a system that helps them find targeted leads. A system that allows them to produce cash flow, even when people do not join their main MLM oppotunity.

Jim Hageman reveals the exact blueprint top earners use to catapult their business. If you're excited about the Alivamax Worldwide business and want to learn how you can enroll more new distributors, faster, check out what Jim Hageman recommends and get your free training right now.

Your MLM Lead Generation Coach and Mentor,
Aliva Max Review, Alivamax Worldwide - MLM Lead Generation System Jim Hageman Recommends
P.S.: Don't forget to Comment, Tweet, and Share this article.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ardyss International Review, Is ArdyssLife A Solid Opportunity?

Who wouldn't want to drop 2 to 3 sizes in 10 minutes? What if you truly could and enjoy a vigorous income helping others do the same? In this Ardyss International review I intend to give you a number of key things to consider when looking at this venture. By the way, I am not part of the business in any way, so this review is completely unbiased.

Ardyss International Review

The Diaz de Leon family officially launched the company, in Mexico, in 1991. Now, almost 20 years later, the company's headquarters are in Las Vegas, NV. Miguel Arvaez is the CEO with a strong vision, based on the Power of 5, to help many people achieve their dreams financially. Ardyss has adopted a network marketing model to sell their products, which are offered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Ardyss International Products

Ardyss has positioned itself somewhat uniquely in the explosive health and wellness industry. They bring together body shaping garments with healthy supplements and skin care products to deliver a brand new you. The company currently offers 16 different Body Magic garment styles for women and 2 for men. They allow you to drop sizes immediately while shaping your abdomen, buttocks, and chest area. Additionally, Ardyss sells over 20 nutritional supplements and 6 skin care products.

Body Magic 2 Step System

To achieve maximum results Ardyss introduced their Body Magic 2 Step System. Step one is to use their Body Magic garment that gives you the appearance of weight and sizes reduced. In addition, it is designed to improve posture, overall muscle tone in the abdomen, buttocks and chest area over time. The second step is to drink their Le Vive nutritional juice product. Le Vive is a blend of 5 fruits loaded with antioxidants which helps eliminate toxins, cleanses the body, and promotes higher energy levels.

Ardyss International Business Opportunity

The company's compensation plan is a network marketing plan and is based on a unilevel model. Independent distributors can market the products direct or put together a team of distributors. Various bonuses are available including unilevel, enroller, express, power pack, generation, and rank bonuses. The plan also offers a car bonus as well as sharing in a leadership pool. To become a independent distributor one can join for free by being on autoship, pay for a $30 starter kit, or purchase a $299 power pack.

Is ArdyssLife A Solid Opportunity You Should Join?

Ardyss International seems to be a solid company marketing quality products to a definite market. However, as in many MLM companies, only a small number of the distributors make serious money. Most new distributors get excited about the company, the products, the opportunity to earn a lot of cash, and fail to understand that this is a business that needs to be marketed.

If you're excited about this business, consider how you are going to market this business. Are you planning to stick to the usual network marketing method? Are you planning to call friends, family, and everyone you know? Are you going to have presentations in your home? What are you going to do when you run out of prospects to talk to? Are you planning to learn how to use the Internet to generate targeted prospects for your business?

Jim Hageman coaches people to market their opportunity using the Internet. If ArdyssLife is the opportunity you are passionate about and you want to learn how to effectively produce tons of leads, take a look at what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Friday, March 12, 2010

21Ten Review, Is 21Ten A Real, Solid Business Opportunity And Is It Right For You?

21Ten is a fresh new entry into the explosive health and wellness marketplace. However is it a business you should seriously check out and get excited about? I am writing this 21Ten review to give you some key things to consider before you make your mind up. By the way, I am not a part of the company so this is actually an unbiased 21Ten review.

21Ten Revealed

The company was revealed as a new division of Oxyfresh at a company event held in February, 2010 in Las Vegas. Its main product is a powdered nutritional drink that is touted to promote anti-aging, a boost in natural energy, mood enhancement, and immune system support.

The Management

One of the main things to consider when looking at any opportunity is the quality and experience of its uppermost management. Does the company's management team possess the vision and background necessary to guide its long-term success?

The driving force behind 21Ten is Richard Brooke, CEO, who boasts of the company's 100 year business plan. As noted on the company's website, Richard began in the network marketing industry back in 1977. He co-founded and has been the president of Oxyfresh since 1986, a company that effectively markets nutritional, hygiene, pet and dental products.

Additionally, Mark Yarnell and Michael Clouse are noted as members of the company's advisory board. Mark is a well known author, speaker, trainer and without doubt an MLM success. Michael is known for his compelling stage presence and network marketing experience.

The Product

21Ten markets a unique nutritional powder stick that when combined with water delivers benefits including anti-aging, natural energy, mood enhancement and immune system building. These sticks are a assortment of super fruits, fruits, vitamins, and swift absorption components.

An appealing twist is that packaged with your nutritional order you receive a personal development podcast download card. New content will be added monthly and will include three tracks: Pure Inspiration and Motivation, Latest Health Craze, and the Inside Scoop on their sticks and business. This is certainly an out of the ordinary method of providing training information.

The Market

They enter what is projected to be the next trillion dollar market, the health and wellness marketplace. This is a market that has increasing competition, including quite a few top notch companies, and sees new entries added regularly. So what would make 21Ten standout above the rest?

The Opportunity

The 21Ten compensation is comprised of a unlevel MLM plan. It offers fast start bonuses to assist active new distributors get into profit. Successful distributors can share in a production pool and travel and training pool.

This venture is in prelaunch, at this time, and is promoting a soft launch event in Las Vegas in May. Becoming a distributor is at no cost through June 1st, 2010. Past that date it will cost you $50 to join.

To summarize, 21Ten comes into a growing, yet highly competitive, industry serving people throughout the world who are aging and health conscious. They are owned by Oxyfresh, a proven business who has been around for over 25 years. They offer a nutritional beverage and stable management with a long-term vision in place.

Now the most important thing to do is ask yourself these questions. Is this an opportunity you can be excited about? Do you know how you are going to find prospects for this venture? Are you ready to learn what you must do to succeed?

If 21Ten is the opportunity that excites you and you truly want to know how the top distributors make all that cash, check out what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Building Backlinks, How To Attract Massive Traffic To Your Blog For Free

Building backlinks for free can put your site on the first page of Google. That translates into a huge increase in traffic to your blog or website. What I plan to share with you is an simple to use, free service designed to create various one way backlinks to you site.

While I was looking at the stats of an article that I posted, to one of the top article directories, I decided to click on a link that caught my interest. Here, I discovered a service designed to help you start building backlinks to your site for free. You can get up to 120 one way links going back to your site or blog for each article you write, for free. Here's how it works...

Building Backlinks For Free

Numerous blog owners are looking for a way to have high quality content posted to their blog on a regular basis. This helps them satisfy their visitors with brand new content and helps them keep their search engine ranking. So they will allow this service to post your articles with links back to your site in them.

The articles you submit must contain a minimum of 450 words. You can include two links going back to any site, blog, article, lens, or hub page you wish. You get to pick the blogs and the categories you want your information submitted to. For free, you can choose up to 30 blogs where your information will appear.

Every post made to every blog will also contain a tag page where your content will appear. A tag is a certain keyword or keyword phrase you would like your articles to be linked with. When you add these up, 2 links for each article posted to 30 blogs (60 links) with the addition of a tag page posting (60 added links) gives you up to 120 links directly back to anywhere you desire. All this for free, it's awesome!

Google and other search engines will see these links related to your site and rank your site more favorably. Something you want to be aware of is that you want your article to appear as being unique, ideally on each blog it's posted to. This free service has the capability of posting articles that you spin. What spinning does is allow you to use synonyms for words in your content so your content appears as being unique to the search engine robots. A video tutorial is provided to show you how this is done.

Personally, I am using this service to add to how I'm building backlinks to my blog. Article marketing is one of my MLM lead generation strategies. In this strategy, you write an article for a particular keyword targeted market, spin it, and submit it to about 200 article directories. I use Automatic Article Submitter to spin and auto submit all my content. Now all I do is take the spun version of my content, do a bit of spin reformatting and submit them to this free service for posting to the blogs I select. It's that easy.

One more thing you'll enjoy about this service is that they submit your content to two or three blogs per day. This is important, as it is building backlinks to your chosen location as they would occur naturally. This procedure is definitely more promising for search engine ranking. Your site traffic will go up as your links increase in ranking. If you learn to use this service effectively and pick good keywords, you may possibly get your site on the first page of Google and that means massive amounts of traffic. Learn to convert that traffic into leads and sales and who knows, you could be the next online success story.

Building backlinks to your site for free is something you definitely want to look at. If you would like to find out how you can start using this system to get massive traffic to your site, access this free ebook Building Backlinks at right now. No Opt-in Required.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MLM Success, Mike Dillard Teaches Attraction Marketing To Catapult Your MLM Success

MLM Success | Mike Dillard teaches

MLM success, Mike Dillard, got started in network marketing back in 2000; just about the time that replicated company websites were introduced. He began with the vision of being an MLM success, being an entrepreneur, generating a residual income. My goal, in this piece, is to share with you a small piece of Mike Dillard's story that you can apply to your business to achieve increased success.

Mike Dillard's Story

Mike Dillard started out in the network marketing industry right after completing school. He openly shares how that at that time, he was extremely shy, had very little self-confidence and was dead broke. He had to make money to take care of the bills, and at the same time, he needed to overcome his fear of talking to people.

He took a position as a medical recruiter calling 200+ doctors' offices, daily, to eliminate the fear picking up the phone and talking to prospects. Within no time at all, he had no problem picking up the phone confidently.

Next, he took a job waiting tables at PF Changs. This freed up his days to concentrate his efforts on network marketing. Mike used all the traditional business building strategies, attended home based events, handed out flyers, everything and anything without much results.

Mike began reading books and listening to instructional cds. He found out about target marketing, finding the people that were already interested in what you're selling. He learned about leadership. He started making calls to 100 to 200 people on genealogy lists, daily, still without much results.

He would think about how life could be so much better if he could get people to contact him. So, he focused on finding out what he had to do to get at least 5 to 10 prospects to get in touch with him on a daily basis. He found a mentor. He studied attraction marketing. Mike learned that prospects will join your team when they see you as a leader who can offer them value. He started to position himself as a leader and stopped chasing prospects.

After struggling for over 6 years, going deep into debt, and pawning his possessions just to eat, he finally figured things out, and discovered the art of magnetic sponsoring. At first, he made what he now mastered available to people in his company. Then he began teaching people, in any company, how to attract an unending number of new prospects and customers to them.

Today, Mike has built a multiple 7-figure organization, leveraging the Internet, in the network marketing industry. He teaches people that being a leader is a choice you make for yourself, immediately. It's a state of mind, a role that you put yourself into. It's the ability to tell someone else what to do next.

Mike Dillard teaches people to stand out from the rest by being honest, having integrity, and giving value. Some important elements that he suggests people focus on are:

1. Learn Internet lead generation and focus on one method until you are attracting 30 to 50 leads daily.
2. Learn to convert those leads into sales or prospects for your company.
3. Learn to talk on the phone to prospects and get them enrolled on your team.
4. Focus on one goal or project at a time and do 3 to 5 action items every day to accomplish it.

In a recent interview, Mike Dillard talks about the tremendous opportunity we have right now, in network marketing, due to the global economy. He tells us what we need to do to position ourselves for MLM success.

MLM Success is available to anyone who is willing to learn and apply what works. If you would like to learn, you're in luck, you can listen to this exclusive Mike Dillard interview for free, right now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jusuru International Review, Is Jusuru International A Good Business Opportunity For You?

Is Jusuru International a sound business venture? And is it the right opportunity for you? First of all, I am not involved with the company in any sense, so this assessment is entirely unbiased. What I plan to tell you about are some significant points to take into account when evaluating this venture.

1. The Company

In a press release dated February 16, 2010, Jusuru International, Inc., based in Anaheim, CA, announced its official launch. They come into the emerging health and wellness industry with a nutritional liquid, a juice product, whose primary ingredient is the multi-patented BioCell Collagen II® (BCII®), manufactured by BioCell Technology.

2. The Company's Leadership

Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru International, Inc., served as Executive Vice President of BioCell Technology, where she implemented unprecedented marketing and branding methods. In 2009, she co-founded Jusuru International and was appointed President.

3. The Juice Blend Product

Jusuru Life Blend™  is a nutritional juice whose key ingredient is BCII®. Recent research findings have shown this ingredient to sustain joint health and promote younger looking skin. The company states that they have an exclusive agreement to offer BCII® in liquid form.

Their juice blend also contains resveratrol, whose healthy aging benefits have been revealed in the grapes that make red wine. It contains the same amount of resveratrol as in two full bottles of red wine in a non-alcoholic form. Additionally, they added strong antioxidants from a variety of exotic fruits, which give it a unique taste.

4. The Marketplace

The health and wellness industry is projected to be a trillion dollar industry. Several top notch companies have introduced competing juice products, each promoting a unique formula. So what would make Jusuru standout above the rest?

“From a marketing standpoint,” explains Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru International, “the greatest strength of Jusuru Life Blend™ is also its greatest potential weakness. This product is backed by an enormous amount of scientific research, so there’s too much information to fit on a label that people will actually read. The only way non-specialists are going to understand the rationale behind each of its ingredients is to distribute it through people who understand these reasons and can take the time to explain them. This is why we chose network marketing.”

5. The Business Opportunity

The compensation plan is a network marketing plan and is based on a unilevel model. The plan offers 9 earning avenues that include direct sales, preferred customer bonus, fast start bonus, team commissions, enroller bonus, turbo infinity bonus, leader check match, leadership pools, and car bonus.

6. The Company's Training

The company provides traditional network marketing team building training. Creating a list of everybody you know and do business with. How to introduce the product to everyone you meet, giving away free bottles as a sample, conference calls, tasting presentations, and when you get their $39.95 iRep starter kit, you are given a replicated corporate website.

In summary, Jusuru International promotes a quality product backed by scientific study, a solid compensation plan, a replicated corporate website, and traditional network marketing training. They are off to a good start in a highly competitive area of the health and wellness industry. They offer a good business opportunity for individuals who know how to put together a multi-level marketing business.

If Jusuru International is the right venture for you and you would like to learn how to become a top producer, reaching heights that others only dream about, take a look at what Jim Hageman recommends right now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MLM Success Story, 7 Figures In Less Than 12 Months Helping People Conquer The Internet

A real MLM success story is revealed when you look at how Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer got together to help people conquer the Internet. As a team, they put together a 7-figure online empire in less than 1 year. What I plan to reveal to you is their story and how anyone, who wishes to dominate the Internet, can learn from their success.

Their MLM Success Story

As most people, they struggled in network marketing during their first few years. They attempted all the traditional methods, calling friends and family, making their warm list, holding home presentations, doing one-on-one presentations, going to hotel meetings, passing out flyers, mall prospecting, etc. and had very little success.

Next, they turned to the Internet, still determined to succeed, even though they racked up quite a bit of credit card debt. They enrolled in more than 20 assorted companies to understand how they worked. They were trying to figure out which opportunity would be most profitable.. The problem was that they didn't grasp the first thing about how to profitably build a network marketing business.

They continued to believe and focus on two factors that kept them going:

1. Network marketing was definitely the most profitable business  in the world, and
2. With 1.75 billion online users, the Internet was an absolute goldmine.

Eventually, their research, determination, and efforts began to pay off. They applied what they learn, having studied the top producers, and things came together. Within 12 months, they went from struggling to make ends meet to creating over $2 million in income.

During 2008, they introduced MLM Lead System Pro, a generic online lead generation system that anyone could learn and use to achieve success on the Internet. The company is based on attraction marketing and traffic generating principles, several of which were learned from Mike Dillard's, "Magnetic Sponsoring" and "MLM Traffic Formula."

MLM Lead System Pro is an all-inclusive lead generation system that enables anyone to easily customize lead capture pages, send autoresponder follow-up messages, modify sales pages, and effectively market nearly any MLM or network marketing venture. It includes high quality video training and ongoing live training covering the most effective Internet lead generation methods. In addition, people using this system, are able to produce multiple streams of income through affiliate commissions that are already setup in the system.

Conquer The Internet DVD Released

In 2010, they produced an online marketing DVD titled, "Conquer The Internet." This powerful DVD was planned to show people the best MLM recruiting strategies including:

* How the top network marketers recruit new distributors at will globally, 24 x 7, while they sleep, on total autopilot.

* The #1 most important thing you need to do in order to keep your new distributors on autoship so that you get paid long-term and build your residual check 100-fold.

* How you can make thousands of dollars per month off the 90%+ who say no to your MLM company.

* The most powerful and proven 7-step marketing blueprint that will keep your phone ringing off the hook with laser-targeted prospects that are ready to join your network marketing company.

* How to avoid rejection forever, become the hunted instead of the hunter, and avoid being part of the 95% who will fail in network marketing...

Their "Conquer The Internet" DVD is intended to show you how average, everyday people are making a killing using the Internet. The objective of this DVD is to not only help you see how fortunes are created online, but to provide you with everything you need to begin creating your own empire online starting now!

And their MLM success story moves on. If you would like to see a short, personal message from the creators of this powerful, life changing DVD, visit this "Conquer The Internet" website now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MLM Lead Generation, How Words Can Generate Free MLM Leads And Help You Recruit More Reps

MLM lead generation with words? What I'm talking about is submitting articles or blog posts that appear on the Internet. Content that people in MLM or network marketing companies would learn something from. My goal here is to share with you how you can use this strategy to ultimately attract MLM leads and enroll distributors lightening fast.

Now, how would content you post on the Internet produce results? Most people use the Internet to find information, solutions to their problems, or because they're wanting to study something. When you provide what they're looking for, many times, they may want to know more about you and what you're doing. Now is when your MLM lead generation system gets involved.

MLM Lead Generation -- Content Marketing

This is how this top producer, David Wood, uses simple articles to generate 100+ free MLM leads day after day and recruit 10+ new distributors week after week. He showed me what he does and it's not difficult. This strategy is not difficult when you have someone to show you precisely what you need to do. So, since I want to keep this article short, focused, and easy to read, here are a few things he taught me to do:

1. Write one piece of content or a blog entry daily and put it on your website or blog. It is important to be consistent. After a short time, you will start to stand out in the crowd and begin to see some success.

2. Write different versions of your content and submit it to numerous article directories. This is whats know as spinning your article. It takes an additional half hour for each article to re-write the sentences 3 times. You can do this very easy with the right software. Next use the same software and submit your content to more than 100 different article directories throughout Internet. since you're creating different content by spinning the articles, you're not going to run into duplicate content problems. The software we use to write, spin, and submit our content is called Automatic Article Submitter.

3. The writings you submit will include an author resource box or author's bio section. This is where you includ links back to your original content that you placed on your website or blog. This will give your words tremendous exposure and generate several backlinks to your website or blog. Google will look at the links as linking to various pieces of unique content and rank your original article high. How would you like to have your articles appear on the first page of of Google for the keywords you research and use? Now here's where your MLM lead generation system takes over and starts to work miracles.

4. Next, promote your original blog entry or article with a short video. Create a 30 second video and submit it to as  many video sharing sites as you can. Point the link in your video resource box back to your original piece of content. You can use a service called Traffic Geyser to do this quite easily. Or there is a free website you can use called TubeMogul, It's just not as effective or as fast as Traffic Geyser.

5. Next bookmark you original content using a as service that's free, OnlyWire will submit your article to various social bookmarking, which will expose your content even more.

Writing articles is just one of a few highly effective MLM lead generation strategies you can employ to produce high quality, free MLM leads. Having an effective MLM lead generation system, in place, can help you sponsor more distributors lightening fast. It's not that difficult when you have a mentor to show you precisely what to do.

MLM lead generation. If you're wanting to find out more about MLM lead generation, how it works, or more importantly, how you can use it to generate free MLM leads and build your business like the top producers, visit MLM lead generation now!

MLM Success Online, How To Radiate Self-Confidence That Explodes Your MLM Success

Your MLM success online is closely related to the level of your self-confidence. Self-confident people are positive people who have learned how to take massive action and produce results. Here's how to increase your self-confidence, empowering you to attract numerous new reps and enjoy the MLM success you desire.

MLM Success Online - 5 Ideas To Develop Total Self-Confidence:

Idea 1 - Your Past Does Not Equal Your Future

You cannot dwell in the past and expect to function productively in the future. Your past is just that, it's your past. If your past is filled with success, use your memories to empower you now, in the present. Create a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Then, eliminate the list of weaknesses and focus entirely on your strengths.

If your past includes failure, learn from it. Learning from the past means being aware of mistakes and making sure not to repeat them. Forgive yourself and decide to live in the now with a optimistic attitude.

Idea 2 - I'm Not Guilty, You're Not Guilty

Most of us have been taught to feel guilty. School, friends, family, religion, and our loved ones have consciously turned us into guilt machines. How often have you been reminded of what you did or said, or didn't do or didn't say? Have you ever done something because someone made you feel guilty? Since most of us are conditioned to seek approval from others, we cannot handle guilt when it is imposed upon us.

So how do you deal with this? Once you learn from your past and forgive yourself, recognize that you are not your actions. The actions you take, wise or unwise, are the product of your present awareness. Take time to examine what you know, what people are suggesting you do or not do. Think about whether others are using guilt to manipulate you in any way, if so, tell them it's not going to work anymore. If you're using guilt to manipulate anyone, stop.

Idea 3 - The Law Of Mental Magnetism

The law of mental magnetism means that you will draw to yourself what you consistently focus upon. Anything you give dominant thought to, whether it be sickness or health, success or failure, abundance or lack, the object of your attention will be attracted to you.

On the surface, most of us desire success, happiness, safety, love, and security, but since they focus on what they don't want, they do not attract the things they want. Yet not many of us understand this amazing fact. The important thing is to know exactly what you desire and focus on it. If you don't, you will only attract confusion.

Idea 4 - Creative Imagination

We can change our future when we use our creative imagination. By continuously picturing what you genuinely desire, you can wipe out any old movies playing in your head and introduce a totally new story. In other words, you can free yourself from the limitations that are holding you back. Creative imagination makes things happen.

Idea 5 - Your MLM Success Online

Your MLM success online is assured when you setup and use an effective system. A system that includes MLM lead generation, produces cash flow, and effortlessly positions you to enroll new distributors. It helps you create real results, which increases your confidence. Your increased self-confidence, in turn, drives you to take massive action. And this success cycle continues to repeat itself...

MLM success online is achievable by anyone when you have someone to show you exactly what to do. If you want to increase your self-confidence and attract the success you deserve, visit now.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MLM Marketing Strategies, Effective Facebook Marketing Without Spamming

Including Facebook marketing, as one of your MLM marketing strategies, can generate a steady stream of high quality, free mlm leads. Implementing it effectively can turn those leads into customers or new distributors quickly. In fact, if you're not applying it, in some way, you are missing a great opportunity.

Currently, Facebook is positioned as the #2 most visited website on the Internet, just behind Google. It's the hottest online social networking location in the world. So, it's a must for you to have some type of presence on it if you want to maximize your MLM success. What I want to do is show you how I use Facebook and point you to some effective resources that will help you in your Facebook Marketing efforts.

First: Let's Talk About What Doesn't Work

Most marketers focus on adding numerous friends so they can promote their opportunity to them. They want to let you know about their once in a lifetime opportunity or unbelievable compensation plan. This seldom works, yet people do this over and over again. This is considered spamming and really bugs most potential prospects. If you're being told to bombard people with your opportunity, as one of your MLM marketing strategies, please stop now. There are more profitable methods.

Second: Effective Facebook Marketing

Facebook is a social networking website. So how can you use it profitably as part of your MLM marketing strategies? Think about it, social networking websites are intended for people to connect with other people. You can use it to connect with new people in your specific market. You can use it to build relationships by getting to know them and sharing something of value with them. When adding friends, you can focus on adding friends from groups promoting MLM or network marketing. Connect with them, find out how they're doing, and share information with them. They will eventually ask you about your company or want to know how they can buy your products.

Third: A Powerful, Rarely Used Idea

Here is an idea one of my mentors gave me. Implementing it has doubled my results. But, before I go on, I need to tell you that Facebook is not one of my chief MLM marketing strategies. I use it to connect with potential prospects who visit my blog and optin to my free training offer. When a person provides me with their email address, I search for them on Facebook. If they have an account, I send them a personalize message saying hello. This simple little action takes our relationship to the next level. And remember, people do business with people they like and trust. In addition, I'll read and reply to personal emails people send me. This takes so little time and works in such a big way. Try these ideas in your marketing and tell me how they work.

We are in a very competitive marketplace and yet, so few business people invest any of their time to find out more about their prospects and customers. Consider, for a moment, what would happen in your business if one of your MLM marketing strategies was to connect with you prospects. If you invested the time to get to know them a little bit. If you were to ask them about what they do, what obstacles they face, and what their dreams are. If you were to share with them valuable tools that help them. Do you think you might stand out in the crowd? Do you think they might like to learn about your company and how being a part of your team could help them be more successful?

If your MLM marketing strategies include Facebook marketing and you want to improve your results, you're in luck. In a recent interview this top producer, who earns 5 figures a month from Facebook alone, shares more of his powerful ideas. You can listen to him now visit Facebook Marketing at